Huawei founder believes US "underestimates" your business


The founder of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei, stated that the United States "underestimates" its company and that the giant's plans telecommunications in your program 5G technology will not be affected by the decisions of Washington to block it.

"The The politicians The Americans, with their current way of acting, demonstrate that they underestimate our strength, "said Ren in an interview. interview with state television Video surveillance and other means, adding that the company has chip reserves and "can not be left isolated"World in this sense.

In a context of commercial war and of technological rivalry enter Pekin and Washington, President Donald Trump decided last week to ban the exports American technological products to some businesses regarded as "at risk" for the national security.

Huawei is in the spotlight of the US president. The world leader in 5G technology (fifth generation of cellular technology) has been explicitly mentioned on a blacklist of Washington.

"Huawei's 5G network will not be affected at all," Ren Zhengfei said. interviewLive transcript on the CCTV mobile application.

"In terms of 5G technology, the other businesses reach Huawei is not a matter of two or three years, "he said.

The Google giant, whose system Android team the vast majority of smart phones of the world, announced Sunday that he would have to cut the bridges with Huawei, which would deprive the Chinese group of access to some Services from Android and its popular Gmail or Google Maps apps.

This decision also concerns various US companies, ranging from software manufacturers of Semiconductor that they provide to Huawei.

"We will not go to the American flea now, lightly and on a whim, we have to grow together[avecdesentreprises[conlasempresas[avecdesentreprises[conlasempresasthe manufacturers]", Ren Zhengfei defends.

"But in case of difficulty of supply, we have solutions of Reserve. In times of peace [es decir, antes de que comenzara la guerra comercial] we have sourced 50% with the chips of the United States and 50% with those of Huawei. We can not be isolated from the rest of the world, "he insisted.

On Monday, US officials appeared to be trying to calm the situation by imposing a 90-day deadline before imposing sanctions so Huawei and its trading partners could adapt.

The Chinese group is not only the number two current smartphone, but also one of the leaders of equipment of telecommunication networks.


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