Huawei said its existing mobile phones "will not be affected" by Google's veto


Since US President Donald Trump has listed the world's second-largest maker of mobile phones on his "blacklist" of spy suspects, several companies have turned their backs on Huawei, including Qualcom, Broadcom, Intel, Panasonic and Google.

However, for the moment, the United States has extended its deferral request by 90 days. In this line, Huawei on Friday sent a message of tranquility to users of their mobile devices, ensuring that their existing mobile phones and tablets "are not affected" by Google's veto to Chinese society and can continue to use services like Google Play and Gmail

(AP / File)

Existing Huawei devices, which include those already sold and those currently on sale and in-store inventory, "can be used normally and will not be affected," according to the company. .

In this line, the company confirmed that these existing devices "may continue to use and update Google services, such as Google Play, Gmail, etc.".

In addition, Huawei pointed out that their devices would continue to receive Google's security patch updates and would be able to update "all Google Play apps", including third-party apps, as it had been updated. already made the American society.

However, the mobile phone company has not yet made reference to Android versions of the operating system, developed by Google, that Huawei uses on its mobile devices through the EMUI customization layer, or if that system will continue to receive bets. complete updates. .


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