A video where you can see several children sing praises Huawei he became viral in the last hour in the Chinese social network Weibo. Millions of Chinese have seen the clip that shows the little ones with a t-shirt that says "China"by singing a song called "Huawei it's pretty"
The registration was done in Zhuhai and aroused outrage in the networks for the use of minors in a clear technology giant's propaganda campaign. "They teach us to love our country, to homemade phones, I love Huawei!", according to the agency Reuters.
The lyrics demonstrate how much the influence of the Chinese Communist Party (PCC) is in the education of minors and how brand penetration is a cause of the state. "This is a brainwashing of children", wrote a user of Weibo. "Huawei light power?", denounced another.
According to the credits of the video clip It was funded by the Chinese regime and interpreted by the center of activities for women and children of Zhuhai, A modern city of the province Guangdong, South of China, on the border with macao.
The appearance of the registration takes place in the midst of suspicions that the union Huawei will work for the Chinese regime with its new platform of 5G In recent months, growing mistrust of Washington and its allies was on the rise..
"The teachers, the children and the parents who participated in making the video are all fans of Huawei."he told the newspaper Global Times Zhou Dan, owner of the music stadium where the melody was recorded.
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