Hugo Moyano: Macri is a mythomaniac who believes his own lies


With an air of conquering, Moyano He did not hesitate to describe his former ally and current president, Mauricio Macri, as "a mythomaniac who believes his own lies"And even denied having voted for him despite having accompanied him during the 2015 presidential campaign, while predicting that" this government has no chance of winning. "

"What (Macri) promised did not give any results, this man seems mythomaniac, he lies and believes in his own lies, there would be no inflation, zero poverty, he would not ask the International Monetary Fund … quite the opposite of what he said "Moyano said in front of the reporter.

"Those who decide policies are not Macri and the "best team of the last 50 years", are United States with him International Monetary Fund, it's obvious. (…) I am convinced that the workers will no longer be wrong and that this government has no chance of winning, "he said.

In addition, the gremialista and current president of independent sports club denied to have voted for the present president. "I did not vote for Macri or Scioli. I did not go to vote, I voted in Mar del Plata, I did not want to travel 400 kilometers, "he said.

"The formula Fernandez-Fernandez will vote overwhelmingly because people are tired, angry and with extreme needs," he said, referring to the formula that supports his union and questioning of Novaresio on the governability of Alberto Fernández, badured that they "would govern both".

"Alberto and Cristina have experience of being out of very difficult situations as in 2001, there is a demonstration that they did, this government has no chance to continue, people are against, "he said.

What Moyano did not deny, is the political rivalry that began with the current vice-presidential candidate, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, to which he organized no less than five general pairs, only three less than those who had Fernando De la Rúa and Carlos Menem. "I disagree with Cristina (…) Today, we are united by the need and the obligation to put an end to this. The Argentine people can not continue in the situation in which they find themselves", he added, referring to his eternal demand for benefits for the workers of his union, which the current administration has not resolved.


"(Cristina & # 39; s) was much better than the previous government. There was no debt, there was work. Cristina he did not let people sleep on the street, we have to be realistic. When she was there, they all ate. With Kirchnerism it was better, says everyone, "he explained.

When Novaresio asked him questions about corruption charges in Kirchnerism, Moyano said the same thing was happening "in all governments". "They searched everywhere and found nothing"He said with reference to all pending court cases against the former for fraud in the public administration and corruption.

In addition, Moyano highlighted a possible reunification of the CGT, which has been divided again in recent years. "If there is a will, there will be a unit, the worker demands that he badociates to defend his interests.he said, and ruled that he was the secretary general.


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