Hugo Moyano said Cristina was the best candidate and defended Maduro – 26/02/2019


Invited to the Desafío 20.19 program, trade unionist Hugo Moyano described the administration of Mauricio Macri as "perverse", praised Cristina Kirchner's mandate and badured that she would vote for the former president if she decided to run for the next election.

"For what he showed during his tenure, Cristina is a better candidate than Macri and the best candidate of the opposition"said Moyano.

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In addition, the current owner of the independent club, said that he planned to start a general strike in the coming months, reaffirmed that he will not "back off" in his fight against the flexibilization of work and defended the attitude of Nicolás Maduro amid the economic and social crisis in Venezuela.

Most important quotes from Hugo Moyano in Desafio 20.19:

"The president, when he speaks, he says the opposite of what is happening. If it says "good day," you must open the umbrella. I do not think that now the elections improve the situation, when a person does not succeed what she proposes, there is no case ".

"They know that they are hitting the most sensitive sectors of society, retirees, children, those who do not have jobs, but they continue to apply the same policies, they have the ability but they do not look for a way out. " situation. It's a combination of driving and perversion"

"The sooner this policy is finished, the sooner the difficult situation of many people will end. Macri does not have the ability to govern a country like oursbecause everything he did, he did against what he said, absolutely everything, and you can not trust someone like that or his team. Everyone is hurting us more and this man does not realize, appears with these speeches that nobody understands and that cause more discomfort"

"We are badessing whether we are going to go on a general strike, if there is no change, If they do not respond to some complaints, we will have a strike with mobilization"

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"If we balance the periods of mandate of Cristina and Macri, I have no type of doubt, I would vote for Cristina. Before we fight for the non-taxable minimum, we are now discussing how to combat excessive inflation and solve unemployment. "

"Cristina is a better candidate than Macri and up to now, because of what she showed when she was in government, is better than any other candidate who will appear in the opposition"

"There are more and more interior leaders who are joining, who are approaching a unit. people are willing to put aside their differences, as I alsobecause we have to prioritize people's needs and solve them, that's our responsibility. "

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"We need to implement a policy that the worker earns the necessary to consume and move the internal market. Flexibility of work will not solve anythingif not the opposite. "

"The government is trying to be flexible, we will have tomorrow a very large meeting on the issue of Coca-Cola. We warn that we will not take any steps back. For now, they did not tell us that they were going to fire anyone, but with a change in shape, they might be looking to reduce their work. "

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"This month in the union we had an increase of 11%. A street sweeper exceeds 40,000 pesos pocket salary and in some cases truck drivers exceed 100,000. "

"In an ideal country, teachers should earn more than a sweeper. But it is not necessary to make teachers earn that salary, it is something that the government must solve. We have a salary that allows us to live in dignity. "

"What interests me is that my worker recognizes me and that if someone finds a truck driver who talks badly about me, that I bring him to him, I want to talk to him to find out." Why." I do not care about the criticisms of others. "

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"There are countries that limit the entry of foreigners and it works for them.If we can not give what our people deserve, with foreigners coming from abroad, it will still be worst. I do not know if there must be a limitation, but that should be controlled a bit more"

"The government should create jobs, because some children indulge in crime because they have nowhere to go, so today they say goodbye to people around the world, where they will work. " Lowering the age of accountability, that is, condemning them even more"

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"The political crisis and All that people are suffering in Venezuela is pushed by friend Trump to conserve oil. "

"Bank has Mature because it makes a very important effort to prevent the Yankees from taking away their only remaining wealth. "


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