Hugo Moyano: "These measures are a sandwich and a coke"


Trucker questioned official announcements Source: LA NACION – Credit: Daniel Jayo

The economic announcements that the president has made today
Mauricio Macri to mitigate the effects of
devaluation Monday generated a rejection in the sectors of trade unionism and social organizations, which they saw as
inadequate Government reaction.

Hugo Moyano, head of the union of truck drivers, said: "These measures are nothing, they are a sandwich and a coca-cola, the situation of homes that are in need can not be solved."

The former leader of the CGT said to be aware that "the president wanted to leave" and spoke as if the government was already in decline. "These guys are gone," he said in the Destape.

"For the CTA, the announcement of the president is insufficient.There are sectors that have been brutally damaged by the mega devaluation they have generated in these 48 hours," he said.
Hugo Yasky, secretary general of the CTA of Argentines and national deputy of Kirchner.

For his part, the national deputy
Facundo Moyano In statements to El Destape, he said the measures are "insignificant for the pocket" and asked Macri to convene the dialogue and think more palliatively "because the underlying economic situation will not change".

On Twitter, the truck driver's boss's son spoke of the president's apology for his statements at the post-election press conference. "What he said on Monday, is what he thinks, this morning, it's politically correct." Beyond that, it's always welcome, even if it's a relief for the workers, "said Moyano on Twitter.

He added: "You could not expect an announcement of a change in economic model, we would not listen to concrete measures, it is clear that these measures are insignificant for the workers, but it is Macri, it's a change. "

You could not expect an announcement of economic model change, we would not listen to the substantive measures. It is clear that the measures are insignificant for the workers, but it is Macri, it is "CHANGE", it is better than Monday. The story changes in December. & – Facundo Moyano (@Facundo_Moyano)
August 14, 2019

Standalone CTAIn the meantime, he also questioned Macri's actions and moved away to a factory leadership convention where a rejection document had been approved. "The reaction of the national government to the electoral results of the recent PASO is an unacceptable extortion and a deep contempt for the popular will.The coup d'etat imposed on the market at the end of the primary elections was fueled by the declarations, at less irresponsible, the president of the nation, "the statement said.

He adds: "The government has decided to impose economic terror as a tool of its electoral strategy.The alternative it offers to offer is between the continuity of the current economic project or the chaos that he promotes. "

The national coordinator of Barrios de Pie,
Daniel MenéndezHe said the measures "do not replace the food plate that was taken from modest families with Monday's devaluation," but acknowledged that the president's ads are "scarce and insufficient."

"In the first place, there should be an emergency increase in exchange rate inflation, and the minimum pension should be increased urgently. the government is a patch.Of course, it is a measure to achieve The next elections do not interest them too much, "he said.

"It is very important that the food emergency is declared and that measures are taken in this regard, increasing the amount of food for community and school canteens and protecting the pocket of those who have less," Menéndez added. , while ensuring that the leadership group is "in a state of vigilance and mobilization".

The temporary impact of the measures has been the axis of criticism.
Gildo Onorato, leader of the Confederation of Workers of the People's Economy (CTEP) and the Evita Movement, pointed out that the decision to raise the profit floor, freeze the price of gasoline for 90 days and the bonuses paid to workers in dependency electoral patches

"The president is still campaigning, no action is being taken to solve our serious fundamental problems, such as pricing policies or to generate genuine work." The ads are only correctives to reach the month of October The objective is electoral and not that Argentines and Argentines can live without hunger and unemployment, "said Onorato.

In addition, the social leader demanded "an extension of the social emergency, urgent measures to reduce the price of food and an increase in minimum pensions".

Daniel Catalano, secretary general of ATE Capital, said the guild will evaluate the measures of force. "The guys have gone to hell in the country and now they do not know where to start.The idea is to ask for an emergency increase for retirees and to release peers for the workers. evaluate a measure of force, "he said. He added: "If they do not reactivate the internal economy, I do not know how they can reach December."

The Minister of Production and Labor, Dante Sica, would meet next Wednesday at the
CGTCTA and the main chambers of commerce set the minimum wage increase, which is now $ 12,500.



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