Human rights in Xinjiang: Chinese regime sanctioned UK individuals and entities


Chinese regime leader Xi Jinping ordered sanctions on UK officials and entities (EFE)
Chinese regime leader Xi Jinping ordered sanctions on UK officials and entities (EFE)

The Chinese regime led by Xi Jinping imposed sanctions on nine individuals and four legal entities United Kingdom in response to the restrictions “unilateral“Taken by the country for the repression against the Uyghur ethnic minority in the region of Xinjiang. According to a statement by Ministry of External Relations Chinese, it was decided to sanction these nine people and four entities from the European country “who maliciously spread lies and disinformation“.

As of today, those affected and their immediate family members are prohibited from entering the mainland, Hong Kong and Macau. Your property in China will be frozen and Chinese citizens and institutions will not be able to do business with them.“, Said the wallet in the statement, in which he added that”China reserves the right to take further action“.

Those sanctioned are members of the British Parliament Tom tugendhat, Iain Duncan Smith, Neil o’brien, Tim loughton, Nusrat Ghani; members of the House of Lords, David Alton Yes Helena kennedy, the lawyer Geoffrey nice and the researcher and expert in Chinese Studies Joanne Nicola Smith Finley; while the China Research Group, the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission, the Uyghur court and the rooms of the Essex Court these are the four entities.

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China reported that the sanctions previously adopted against the Asian country by United Kingdom flagrantly violate international law and the fundamental norms governing international relations“. Likewise, he criticized the fact that “seriously interfere in China’s internal affairs and seriously undermine Sino-British relations“.

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Chinese also summoned the British Ambassador to the country to express “strong opposition and strong condemnation“. “China is firmly committed to safeguarding its national sovereignty, security and development interests, and warns the UK not to be wrong. Otherwise, China will react resolutely», Condemned the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

China It thus responds to the sanctions imposed last Monday in coordination by the EU, United States, United Kingdom Yes Canada against two senior Chinese officials for their role in the repression of the Uyghur ethnic minority Xinjiang.

This Thursday, before the announcement of the measures taken by China, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hua Chunying, warned that the country would “take the necessary measures in a fair and balanced manner against those who defame and brutally attack China and undermine the sovereignty, interests and dignity of the country ”.

On the other hand, the authorities of the region of Xinjiang, located northwest of China, expressed their opposition and condemned the sanctions and reaffirmed that the EU envoys “they always delay visits to the area», According to the press agency Xinhua.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson backed figures sanctioned by the Chinese regime (Reuters)
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson backed figures sanctioned by the Chinese regime (Reuters)

In recent days, tensions have intensified between the Western bloc and the Asian giant through the exchange of sanctions and criticism between the two parties for the alleged violation of human rights in the region of Xinjiang.

The United States has repeatedly described as “genocide“China’s actions against Uyghurs, of Turkish descent and Muslim religion, and other minority groups residing in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, north-west of China. China has already rejected accusations of repression or genocide against the Uyghurs. In particular, he denied the existence of detention camps and assures that they are places of professional training and eradication of Islamic extremism and separatism.

British reaction

The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, said on Friday that “strongly supportsTo the deputies and other people and entities of his country sanctioned by the government of Beijing for having spoken in favor of the Uyghur Muslim minority.

Members of Parliament and other British citizens sanctioned by China today are playing a vital role in shedding light on the serious human rights violations being perpetrated against Uyghur Muslims.Johnson tweeted. “The freedom to oppose abuse is essential and I strongly support it“.

(With information from Europa Press and AP) –


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