Human rights organizations have repudiated the saying …


Human rights organizations have responded to Defense Minister Oscar Aguad's attempt to minimize the military uprising
against the government of Raúl Alfonsín and justify the presence of the old carapintada Aldo Rico, during the parade of the armed forces on the occasion of the celebration of the Independence Day.

"Year 1987. Aldo Rico leads the uprising of the carapintada in #CampoDeMayo

. This justifies state terrorism and threatens a coup d'etat. As organizations, parties and unions march for democracy, Alfonsín yields to pressure. A month later, the obedience due would be approved, "remember the grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo through a tweet in which they showed the photos of that time.

On a similar tone, the HIJOS group recalled that Rico "was one of the leaders of the Carapintada uprising" and added that the former mayor of San Miguel was supportive of the Ernesto Barreiro genocide. "In 2016, Barreiro was sentenced to life imprisonment in Córdoba, the verdict is final and last week they granted him the benefit of home," they warned.


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