"Humanitarian Avalanche": dressed in white, Venezuelans go to the barracks to ask the army to allow the entry of aid – 02/23/2019


"Let's go for the humanitarian avalanche!", opposition leader Juan Guaidó, proclaimed interim president of Venezuela.

"From our borders, by sea and by land, we will bring hope, food and medicine to the needy", commented this Saturday.

Venezuela, the day has arrived where we will take the step to reach the entrance of the humanitarian aid.

From our borders, by sea and land, we will bring hope, food and medicine to the poor. # 23FVzlaALaCalle

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) February 23, 2019

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

His appeal calls for concrete action for Venezuelans: dressed in white, go to the barracks demand that the army (which still responds to Bolivarian Nicolás Maduro) authorize the entry of international aid that accumulates at the borders because of the regime's blockade, which denies the terrible crisis that crosses the country.

In fact, Maduro has ordered in recent hours to close the airspace and borders. In the one in Colombia this Friday was the countless spectacle Venezuela Aid Live with dozens of artists in favor of attendance. In Brazil, they registered 2 dead in clash between regime soldiers and an indigenous community.

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With support from the United States, the opposition is trying to start delivering some 600 tons of humanitarian aid, which includes food, nutritional supplements, medicines and hygiene products.

These are donations requested by Guaidó, which dozens of countries have recognized as interim president. Your call to go out on the street this Saturday, with the labels (hashtags) # 23F, #AvalanchaHumanitaria and # 23FVzlaALaCalle, has 6 points:

1. Attend dressed in white.

2. Carry a message for the Bolivarian National Armed Forces.

3. Maintain peaceful behavior.

Aerial view of the crowd on the Colombian side of the Tienditas International Bridge, where the recital took place. (AFP)

Aerial view of the crowd on the Colombian side of the Tienditas International Bridge, where the recital took place. (AFP)

4. Swear to the flag.

5 Avoid falling into provocations or aggression against the military.

6. Pay attention to the instructions of the president.

We are going for the humanitarian avalanche!

We call everyone to mobilize tomorrow # 23F at all the barracks. Let's leave peacefully, without violence and with the determination to change to demand that humanitarian aid enters.

Saving lives depends on everyone. We will get there! # 23FVzlaALaCalle pic.twitter.com/TnJ9sjBaoK

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) February 23, 2019

Maduro is convinced that the aid operation is a disguise for a US military intervention aimed at overthrowing him.

Look also

Russia, your ally, accepts. Bolivian President Evo Morales said the same thing. Friday, the Kremlin badured that (with the help of NATO) USA deploys special forces and military equipment near Venezuela and American companies are preparing to deliver "weapons and ammunition to the opposition".

Supporters of Maduro, in front of the National Congress in Caracas. (AFP)

Supporters of Maduro, in front of the National Congress in Caracas. (AFP)

"The development of events in Venezuela has come to a critical point", warned Russia through the official press agency RIA Novosti." The provocations of the United States in Venezuela, in case they are put into practice, will increase tensions in the world. "

Bolivian Vice President Delcy Rodríguez tweeted in recent hours that three more bridges on the Colombian border had been closed for "serious and illegal threats".

Until now, the army is still allied to Maduro, but Friday Guaidó said that he had received military aid to cross the border towards Cúcuta and attend the megaconcert.

The opposition leader has promised an amnesty to the soldiers who are turning against Maduro and claimed that each of them would define "how would you like it to be remembered"

This Saturday, reiterating his call, added with reference to the armed forces: "Pbad on humanitarian aid and put yourself on the side of the people"

Wing #FANB we reiterate our order: odebezcan the Constitution, let go of the humanitarian aid and put on the side of the people.

Today, they hold the lives of hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans. The whole country and the world will have their eyes riveted on you. Decide well.

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) February 23, 2019

"Today & # 39; hui they have in their hands the lives of hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans ─ heiteratediter The whole country and the world will have their eyes riveted on you. Decide well. "

sources: AFP, EFE, Reuters, AP. AEZ


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