Hundreds of nudists gathered on a mountain to have free sex and now they want to kick them out because of Covid | the Chronicle


Around 200 people combined in what is called the Rainbow family They are currently camping in a difficult access point on a mountain in La Rioja, Spain, with the aim of connect with nature and practice free and unbridled sex.

As the newspaper reports The avant-garde, it’s a large community of nudists from all over the world, reminiscent of American hippies of the 70s, who at least once a year meet temporarily in a place far from civilization and without mobile coverage to profess a certain lifestyle.

The Rainbow Family meets at least once a year in various parts of the world, depending on the lunar phases.

The Rainbow Family is not immune to controversy since they camp naked in a natural environment and make love all day long in a kind of free and unbridled love ritual, even if there is minors among the sedentary.

It is for this reason and others that the authorities of the Municipality of Mansilla de la Sierra de La Rioja are considering expel the neo-hippie group, because beyond nudity and continuous sex in front of minors, many have denounced that the massive group also violates certain environmental regulations, for example by lighting bonfires in the middle of the mountain.

Meanwhile, another reason for denouncing and expelling the Rainbow Family is that, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, they would not respect health protocols like social distancing or the use of masks.

The group professes contact with nature without any intermediation and is anti-consumer.

However, the order of expulsion of the members of the naturist group will be executed as long as there is a court order in this regard derived from the complaint that can be presented to the court and will be responsible, if necessary, to the Civil Guard Court. , who knows the situation perfectly.

The problem is that, according to sources from the Ministry of the Environment of La Rioja to the newspaper, that “the eviction requires the prior complaint of the owners of the land on which the settlement is located, which has not yet taken place, and requires a judicial visa “.

On the other hand, it should be remembered that it is quite complex to get to the place where the camp is located, since the steep mountain path means that cars must be left more than 3 kilometers away and it is not possible to get there only through a difficult hike for hours.

Armed institute staff who managed to visit the camp on at least two occasions were able to identify some of the curiously dressed nudist group members, and pointed out that the vast majority are English, French, Spanish and German, among others. nationalities. . Likewise, they did not find drugs during the inspections, although they did huge amounts of viagra.


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