Hunger is a line that can not be crossed | Opi …


In recent months, in Argentina, we have crossed a line that we have never crossed so abruptly: many Argentines and Argentineans suffer from hunger and malnutrition. And this must be the top priority of public policies that must be implemented urgently, because eating does not mean not eating.

World Food Day is celebrated today, October 16, in memory of the creation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) , which was created to educate the public about the problem of food. and strengthen solidarity in the fight against hunger, malnutrition and poverty.

The latter had warned in its latest report that food insecurity was affecting 14.2 billion people in our country by the end of 2018. This figure represents an increase of 71% over 2015 and is one of the most of the most important jumps registered in the world. And this situation has worsened in recent months, especially after the deep devaluation of August, which has shifted sharply to the price of foodstuffs.

This crisis particularly affects girls, boys and adolescents. Hunger, malnutrition and juvenile obesity cause them problems early in their human development. Therefore, we must make sure that they have an urgent life start.

The fight against hunger must be a state policy transcending time. And with this objective, we present the Front of all the Argentine Plan against hunger. As Alberto Fernández pointed out, "it's a battle we have to lead as a society, and that sometimes touches us with the shame of seeing the misery we see next to us".

We must unite the whole society to reach this fundamental agreement: everyone must have access to healthy and quality food. In this regard, it is essential to ensure access to basic food basket products by strengthening the food aid card and the VAT refund for mothers of children under 6 receiving the universal allowance. per child. And we need to put together a basic healthy basket with fresh foods; and a basic basket of early childhood.

Another key element is the consolidation of the marketing circuits of the popular economy, which brings together producers and consumers. It includes measures such as the law on gondolas, aimed at promoting the inclusion of local producers in supermarkets; the promotion of a collective brand and quality certification instruments for family farming and the social economy; the creation of popular markets and local marketing networks; promoting community purchases; and the establishment of a low-rate credit system and incentives for the social economy and family farming.

Argentina's plan against hunger is an open call that provides for the formation of a federal council, knowing that it is necessary for the state to cooperate with social movements and organizations, churches, community organizations, defense of human rights, trade unions and economic actors. productive. It also raises the creation of an observatory, with research from universities and study centers for monitoring, monitoring and evaluation of the plan. And the role of the media in promoting campaigns and solidarity actions to improve food and nutrition is essential.

We are undoubtedly facing a catastrophic situation that requires urgent and massive measures. If food prices continue to rise, there is no other possible social policy. Everyone must be able to eat in Argentina: it's a basic social rule. It must be clear to us that there can never be hunger in a food producing country like ours.


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