Hunter catches the world's biggest crocodile | Chronic


The rookie hunter Derrick Snelson, managed to catch a 4.6 meter long crocodile, which is the largest captured reptile in the history of the American city of Georgia.

The incident happened on Sunday, September 1, when the young man left for the second time in his hunting career, to catch the huge reptile.

The crocodile was caught in Lake Eufaula with Lethal Guide Service, a hunting guide company.

The search was carried out by the young hunter with his daughter and three others. They spent six hours following the crocodile until they managed to hook it. Then he was shot down and boarded the boat.

"To be honest with you, we were happy to see how huge it was – I had never caught anything like it before, it was amazing."Snelson commented.

The Ministry of Natural Resources of Georgia reported that the crocodile was 4.6 meters long, which would constitute a new record for the state since the previous mark was 4.23 meters.

The Snelson has already sent the skin to the animal to use the meat.

A 14-year-old girl participated in this expedition.

The hunter's daughter, Shelby, 14, said it was an experience "scary" but "tasty".

"The boat swung from one side to the other, and sometimes the crocodile struck the side of the boat with its tail," detailed. "I'm happy to have had this experience with my dad"commented the girl.

In Georgia, there is an official crocodile hunting season that aims to control the growing population of alligators in the state.

This year's season began at sunset on August 16 and will end until the dawn of October 7.


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