Hunter hunted: was for rhinos and died crushed by an elephant and eaten by lions


A poacher who was following a rhino in the South African Kruger Nature Park was crushed by an elephant and devoured by lions, the Park Department (SanPark) said on Monday. The case was revealed by the alleged accomplices of the victim, who explained to his family his death, crushed by a pachyderm on April 2, said a SanPark spokesman, Isaac Phaahla.

The family then warned the National Park management, who sent his "rangers" to search for the remains of the hunter but could only find one skull last Thursday. "The presence of a group of lions has been confirmed in the area and it looks like they have eaten up the remains of the victim," said Phaahla, explaining that badysts confirmed it.

"Entering illegally and walking into Kruger National Park is not prudent," said Glenn Phillips, park director, said: "It's even very dangerous and this incident is a new proof. " The four accomplices of the victim were arrested and must appear this week before a judge.

Each year, thousands of rhinos die in Africa to get rid of their horns, which are highly valued in traditional medicine in countries such as China and Vietnam.

There are approximately 5,000 black rhinoceros on the African continent, of which about 1,900 are in South Africa. The country also has 20,000 white rhinos, 80% of the world's population.


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