Hunters killed a bear, their cubs and their lion when they slept | Chronic


Images have been disseminated to raise awareness about animal abuse. (Capture)

Animal organizations have released two terrible videos showing how poachers tortured a bear, its puppies and a lion when they slept. The first case occurred in Alaska, United States, while the second case occurred in Zimbabwe.

One of the videos released shows how the father and the son, the two poachers, killed an American black bear and his two cubs in Alaska. L & # 39; accused Andrew Renner and Oren Renner, Were convicted last January for the crime committed in 2018.

The images, captured by a hidden camera installed as a result of a wildlife study, were published by the NGO for Humane Rights, the Humane Society of the United States.

In the file, we see one of the accused pull his rifle towards the den of the mammal and its young. Then they kill them, take the teddy bear out of hiding and take pictures with the body. Then they dismember the animal, put their pieces in a bag and continue on their way. A few days later, they returned to the place to collect the puppies' bodies.

The accused pleaded guilty to US justice and were convicted of poaching and 11 other charges. Andrew Renner was sentenced to three months in prison and his hunter's license was revoked for 10 years. His son, who was 17 at the time of the terrible event, lost his license and was sentenced to work in the general interest.

The following video, published in this case by the animal organization All Wildlife, shows how a hunter kills a lion dominated in Zimbabwe. Although the case occurred in 2011, the images were recently released to raise public awareness of the situation facing lions on the African continent.

The protagonists of the second video are an amateur hunter accompanied by a professional who surprised a sleeping lion, as the animals of the first file, and shot him to death. No case of conviction was received by the latter.


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