Hurricane Dorian, a "monster" who threatens to destroy everything on its way through the state of Florida


In Miami, bottled water has run out and there is a lack of fuel. They claim that this may be the biggest disaster for almost three decades


Hurricane Dorian. which they describe as a "monster" advancing towards the Florida coast, last night threatened a strip of land in which approximately 10 million people live, and which includes the tourist center of Walt Disney World and that of Mar – Lake of the President of the United States, Donald Trump. Faced with a disturbing landscape, meteorologists have speculated that Dorian would become the most powerful storm that hit the east coast of Florida in nearly 30 years.

Although it is estimated that Dorian will land on Monday night or in the early hours of Tuesday, yesterday it was already running out of fuel and in Miami's hypermarkets, the water in the bottles was virtually depleted.

The airlines have also prepared emergency flowcharts as Labor Day is celebrated in the United States this weekend, which was expected of an unusual tourist movement to the Florida beaches. The cruise lines also badyzed the changes made to their traditional routes.

Dorian, which appears more strongly in each weather report, fell into the "extremely dangerous" category yesterday afternoon and, according to forecasts, could become a catastrophic Category 4 storm with winds of nearly 225 km / h before touch landing on Monday before dark or in the early hours of Tuesday.

an uncertain route

According to the route predicted by the National Hurricane Center, Dorian will sneak into nearby Palm Beach County, where Mar-a-Lago is located, and then enter the Orlando area. However, given the difficulty in predicting the trajectory of the storm at the present time, meteorologists have warned that it could affect virtually all of Florida, including Miami and Fort Lauderdale.

The experts also warned that Dorian was moving slowly, which could expose the state to prolonged winds, storm surges and showers.

"It's huge and it's getting bigger, and there's still a little bit of time to get worse," said Julio Vázquez at a fast food restaurant in Miami, located near a gas station short of fuel.

"Total monster"

President Donald Trump has stated that he could act as a "total monster".

"All indications are that it will hit very hard and that it will be very big," Trump said in a video posted on Twitter, in which he compared Dorian to Hurricane Andrew in 1992, which swept through thousands from homes south of Miami winds up to 266 km / h.

The National Hurricane Center has predicted that the Category 3 storm will continue to grow to Category 4, with winds of 225 km / h. It will land in the United States Monday night or Tuesday at dawn, at a speed close to 16 km / h and a day later than expected as its transfer slowed down.

Trump has declared the state of emergency in Florida and authorized the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to coordinate rescue efforts.

The projected trajectory of hurricanes crosses Palm Beach County, where Mar-a-Lago is located, but it is difficult to predict its trajectory with such anticipation and meteorologists have warned that all of Florida including Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Orlando, could suffer. ravages

They also warned that the slow displacement of the meteor could subject the state to prolonged ravages of wind, waves and heavy rains.

Dorian thwarted the plans of the people during the long Labor Day weekend celebrated Monday in the United States.

Major airlines have allowed travelers to cancel their bookings free of charge. Royal Caribbean, Carnival and Norwegian have begun to modify their cruising routes. Disney World, in Orlando, is also on the projected path of the storm.

without water

For the moment, the authorities have not organized mbad evacuations. Governor Ron DeSantis said that if the evacuation was ordered now and Dorian changed course, they could end up on the hurricane path and it would not be the first time it would happen.

Bottled water was depleted in supermarkets and some places experienced a shortage of gasoline, but the governor said the road patrol would escort the tankers to pbad in front of the long lines of motorists and make full service stations.

Friday noon, Dorian was 1,060 kilometers east of West Palm Beach with winds of 175 km / h and was moving northwest at 17 km / h. Forecasters predicted that it would reach Category 4 in the next few hours. (AP)


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