Hurricane Dorian arrives in Florida and José Bianco faces first storms


The intensity of the winds of hurricane Dorian it descended to 175 kilometers at the hour, which equates to category 2 of the Saffir-Simpson scale, although its size has increased in the last hours at the moment the phenomenon is approaching Florida, according to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) of the United States.

The latest NHC newsletters have relieved the neighbors of the southern peninsula, confirming that not in the sights of the hurricane, which is moving slowly northwest, and most of the preventive measures in effect over the weekend have been removed.

At Daytona Beach is TN, with José Bianco and the team of phenomena, living what is happening with this hurricane that left the Bahamas with serious damage and five deaths. Standing on the beach, the meteorologist suffered the ravages of rain and wind that gradually affected the arrival of the hurricane.

Despite his fall, Dorian still worries the people of central Florida, who will feel the effects. starting this Tuesday night begin to move near the coast. It will also affect the neighbors of Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina, who are in a state of emergency.

In Miami, on the other hand, activity taken over in private offices and in business. Schools will reopen this Wednesday, as will universities and state offices.

Despite this loss of intensity, the hurricane widens its danger zone since its winds extend up to 95 kilometers from its center.

Beside the winds, the greatest danger posed by the cyclone is the rise in sea level. On the Florida coast, NHC experts predict a swell of up to 2.1 meters and powerful waves.

The testimony of a citizen who has already lived through several hurricanes

Mark is 40 and lives in Daytona Beach, just meters from the beach. "I live here, near the coast. I came to the beach to see how Dorian is progressing, "he said. TN.

In addition, the man told how he protected his house from these phenomena:I put tables at my windows and we are careful to know whether to evacuate or not. If that happens, I go to Orlando, to friends. "

"The hurricane may not be so bad and we still have time to evacuate he explained. I'm not going to take a chance, but Dorian is slow, so I'll know how he's moving, "Mark said in light of his past experiences.

"This is my third hurricane here and I spent a lot more because I did not live far before, "he said. "But what is going to happen here is not comparable to what happened in the Bahamas, so I pray for them," he said.


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