Hurricane Dorian can be "extremely dangerous" and reach Florida with category 4


Hurricane Dorian continues to gain strength with sustained maximum winds of 175 km / h and could become this Friday in a big cyclone category by moving slowly in Florida. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) announced that Dorian could arrive in Florida on Monday in an "extremely dangerous" category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson scale (out of a maximum of 5); that is with maximum sustained winds of about 225 km / h

In its 11:00 am local time bulletin (15:00 GMT), the NHC reported that Dorian was currently in category 2, but was moving more slowly and heading northwest at a speed of 10 miles to the hour. . The governor of Florida, Ron DesantisAt a press conference, he said the "bad news" is that go slower the cyclone could cause more damage once touching the earth and the good thing is that there is more time to prepare. According to meteorologists, this slow progress allows it to better organize and feed its winds thanks to the warm waters of the Caribbean.

As a hurricane #Dorian continues to grow and intensify, we are preparing all available resources, including the activation of more than 2,500 @FLGuard troops. I encourage all Floridians to continue to monitor and consider all warnings.

– Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) August 30, 2019

The dangerous path of Hurricane Dorian

The NHC said Dorian would become a major hurricane (category 3 or higher) throughout the day and remain an "extremely dangerous hurricane on weekends". The federal agency said the cyclone was about 770 kilometers east of the northern islands of the archipelago. bahamas and about 1 060 kilometers east of Palm BeachSouth of Florida. This state, which has already declared the state of emergency, is preparing for floods, strong winds, storm surges and even a phenomenon called "Royal Tide", which has nothing to do with it. to do with the hurricane, but coincides with the arrival of the hurricane.

Dorian, according to the NHC, will visit this Friday over the Atlantic, east of southeast and central Bahamas, will approach Saturday northwest of this archipelago and Sunday at northwestern Bahamas. According to the Miami-based NHC, a maximum rainfall of 30 centimeters is expected in the Bahamas and parts of the southeastern United States, up to 138 centimeters in some areas. "This rain could cause sudden floods threatening human lives," said the federal agency.

Away from the hurricane season, which began last June, four more tropical storms were recorded, Chantal, Andrea, Erin and Barry, which became a hurricane in July shortly before landing in Louisiana, where material losses substantial, but no direct fatality.


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