Hurricane Dorian causes a "historical tragedy" in the Bahamas and slowly moves to the American coast.


Hurricane Dorian, extremely dangerous and slow, which caused destruction and death in the Bahamas, is threateningly heading towards the American coast, where four southern states have been on the alert for days.

Dorian's weakened slightly during the night and was lowered to the category 3 by the National Hurricane Center (NHC), but maintains its danger with winds of about 195 km / h.

Violent winds hit Florida in the United States. (Photo: AFP)
Violent winds hit Florida in the United States. (Photo: AFP)

After crossing the Bahamas, he is expected to approach the east coast of Florida between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, before continuing on to Georgia and South Carolina, the weather services said.

After days of uncertainty about the trajectory of the hurricane, these states have ordered the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of residents.

The sky on the coast of the United States. (Photo: AFP)
The sky on the coast of the United States. (Photo: AFP)

The epicenter of the powerful natural phenomenon is still on the island of Grand Bahama, where it remains almost static. In fact, the NHC expects to stay there for much of Tuesday with its torrential rains.

Prime Minister of the Bahamas, Hubert Minnis, announced at a press conference the death of five people in the Abaco Islands, and described the hurricane as a worrying event. "historical tragedy" For the archipelago.

Dorian, who hit the Bahamas on Sunday with category 5 wind speeds of nearly 300 km / h, flooded streets and roofs and uprooted trees.


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