Hurricane Dorian falls into category 2 but extends his radio – Viva radio


Hurricane Dorian advanced very slowly Tuesday in the southeastern US coast, still as a Category 2 storm, after leaving a trail of death and destruction in the Bahamas.

At least five people have died in the Bahamas because of the hurricane described by Prime Minister Hubert Minnis as a "historical tragedy" for this archipelago located in the Atlantic.

The cyclone deteriorated Tuesday in category 2, on a scale of up to 5, as indicated in Chain 3 American National Hurricane Center (NHC) specialist Mike Tichesek.

"The hurricane fell into the category and reduced the speed of the winds, but extended its coverage radius, reaching 100 km. and turning to North Florida, "he said.

/ Integrated code /

With these shocking images of the Bahamas after the pbadage of Hurricane Dorian, we begin @aquilatierratve. Follow the program live! ?

– The 1 (@ La1_tve) September 3, 2019

The hurricane moves away from the cone that forms the state of Florida and approaches Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina.

Dorian, who hit the Bahamas hard on Sunday, was Tuesday about 168 km east of Fort Pierce, Florida, and was heading for the coast at a slow pace of 3.2 kilometers per hour, with winds up to 175 km / h.

The NHC said that the island of Grand Bahama was still suffering from dangerous winds that threatened life and extreme floods due to heavy rains.

According to the report, difficult conditions will continue on Tuesday in Grand Bahama, the northernmost island of the archipelago, home to Freeport, its largest city.

NHC expects Dorian to pick up speed and grow during the day to head north Wednesday night.

On Monday, while Dorian was virtually stationed at Grand Bahama, the archipelago's tourism minister announced the start of rescue operations "in areas where there is no danger."

Eduardo Gómez, born in Cordoba and residing in the United States, said Chain 3: "I'm in Tampa, it's quiet, everyone is on the beach."

"Orlando was under surveillance because we did not know in which direction it was going to go (hurricane); it was categories 3 or 4, Thursday and Friday there was hard to find gas, water, some made the necessary to cover the windows people were getting ready but I did not see the hysteria ", did -he declares.

Report by Cynthia Zak, Federico Albarenque and Alejandro Bustos.


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