Hurricane Dorian goes into Category 5 and threatens Florida


Hurricane Dorian has reinforced this Sunday the category 5, the maximum possible, with winds of 267 km / h when it is about to reach the Abaco Islands in the Bahamas, announced meteorologists US.

"The #Dorian is now a Category 5 hurricane," the Miami-based National Hurricane Center (NHC) said in a tweet.

"The eye wall of this catastrophic hurricane is about to hit the Abaco Islands with devastating winds," he added.

The storm, which is moving slowly, is expected to remain on the Bahamas this Sunday and much of Monday's day, projecting up to 60 centimeters of rain in some areas and causing waves of 3 to 4.5 meters high, announced meteorologists.

The Bahamas are in a "very dangerous" situation, said Ken Graham, director of NHC, at a Facebook show, calling on residents to comply with local authorities' security measures.

Cynthia Zak Report


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