Hurricane Dorian: How are North Carolina and South Carolina preparing for their arrival?


After sowing death and destruction in the Bahamas, hurricane Dorian, again category 3, moves away from Florida and Georgia. moves northwest, to the coasts of North and South Carolina, where its residents prepare for their arrival.

The the winds sustained maximums of the phenomenon they reach 185 kilometers to the hour and extend up to 95 km from the center. In the meantime, the storm surge generated by the force of tropical storms can reach 315 km. they can already feel in South Carolina.

According to the trajectory planned by the US National Hurricane Center (NHC), The eye of Dorian should approach the coast of this state on Thursday afternoon and move near or over North Carolina tonight and Friday.

Faced with the imminent arrival of the hurricane, Donald Trump declared the emergency in both states. The measure accelerated the disbursement of public funds in order to mitigate the consequences of the disaster, including widespread power outages, storms and floods.

The tropical storm generated by Dorian on its outskirts is already felt in South Carolina (Photo: REUTERS / Randall Hill).
The tropical storm generated by Dorian on its outskirts is already felt in South Carolina (Photo: REUTERS / Randall Hill).

For its part, the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) were authorized to "Identify, mobilize and provide at your discretion the equipment and resources needed to mitigate the effects of this emergency. "

The government has asked people to stock it during the hurricane (Photo: AP / Gray Whitley / Sun Journal).
The government has asked people to stock it during the hurricane (Photo: AP / Gray Whitley / Sun Journal).

As in Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, Florida and Georgia, the government has asked residents of the most collections needed for your protection. Among them, stock up on food and drinks, have sandbags to avoid flooding and go to the activated shelters.

Finally, the NHC urged the population to keep abad of Dorian's trajectory and evacuate risk areas as he crosses the southeast coast of the country.


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