Hurricane Dorian: Mandatory evacuation of 800,000 people in North Carolina


The governor of the state of South Carolina (United States), Henry McMaster, ordered Sunday the mandatory evacuation of 830,000 people along the coast before the arrival of the United States. Hurricane Dorian, the second-most powerful historic record in the Atlantic. .

Affected counties include Charleston, Berkeley, Dorchester, Beaufort, Colleton, Jasper, Georgetown and Horry, which could be hit by extreme weather after the hurricane hit the Bahamas with wind gusts of more than 350 kilometers per hour.

McMaster announced that schools and public facilities would remain closed Monday in at least eight coastal counties because of eviction orders issued, according to the local newspaper The Post and Courier.

Nearly 200 hospitals and residences will be evacuated, while various shelters will be made available to the population. "With these announcements, we know we can not make everyone happy, but we can keep them safe," said the governor.

The Miami-based National Hurricane Center (CNH) reported that Dorian landed at Elbow Cay in the Abaco Islands as a Category 5 hurricane with sustained maximum winds of 295 km / h.

Millions have been following the hurricane with caution, as the CNH has signaled a possible change of course to the north that would prevent the storm from hitting the Florida coast with all its might. However, from CNH, they warned that the impact on the land "remains an obvious possibility".

According to statistics, Dorian has links with Gilbert (1988) and Wilma (2005) and the Hurricane of Labor Day 1935 in second place with 295 kilometers per hour and only behind Allen (1980), who has reaches sustained winds of 300 km / h.


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