Hurricane Ida: The shock videos of the floods in New York and New Jersey | There are at least eight dead


At least Eight people have died from storms caused by Hurricane Ida in New York and New Jersey and thus amounts to 16 the total number of deaths since the weather phenomenon made landfall last Sunday in the southern United States. Cities on the country’s east coast recorded flooding and declared a state of emergency.

In New York City, police reported that there were seven people dead, while in neighboring New Jersey another person died, according to Passaic City Mayor Hector Lora.

Emergency state

The rain started after nine in the evening and soon after New York Governor Kathy Hochul has declared a “state of emergency” after registration “major” floods in all the departments bordering the city, which could affect around 20 million people.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy also declared a state of emergency and a tornado watch was issued in Philadelphia..

Subways, flights and underwater routes

The New York subway had to be interrupted because the rains flooded the stations, tracks and platforms.

Also flights were canceled at New York airports from Newark, LaGuardia and JFK. A video showed a flooded terminal in Newark.

“Seek shelter NOW. Flying objects will be dangerous for those caught homeless. Go to a lower floor and stay away from windows,” the New York City Emergency Information Office tweeted.

Besides, US Open match in which Argentinian Diego Schwartzman faced South African Kevin Anderson has been interrupted. Finally the Peque won by 7-6 (7-4), 6-3 and 6-4.

Weather alert

According to the United States National Weather Service (NWS), this is the first state of emergency for Flash floods which is stated in New York history.

The rain started to fall at 9:30 p.m. (01:30 GMT) and according to several videos posted on Twitter by the NWS the streets of Brooklyn and Queens were flooded, making traffic impossible.

“Do not drive in the flooded streets. We do not know how deep it is and it is very dangerous. Turn around,” urged the weather service.

The NWS also recorded a absolute record of 80 mm of rain in one hour in Central Park.

For its part, the National Hurricane Center has warned that “post-tropical cyclone Ida is bringing widespread heavy rains and potentially fatal flash floods along and near its path” and is expected to continue on its way north.

President Joe Biden will travel to Louisiana on Friday, where Hurricane Ida destroyed buildings and left more than a million homes without power.


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