Hurricane kills 200 in three African countries | Chronic


Hurricane Idai, which ravages south-west Africa, has killed 200 people in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Malawi, according to figures released Sunday by the UN.

In Zimbabwe, the death toll is 64, while in Mozambique it is 73 and there were 56 deaths in Malawi, according to government figures quoted by EFE.

These numbers are expected to increase in all three countries, where 1.6 million people live in areas affected by wind and rain, according to data from the United Nations Children's Bureau (Unicef).

Cyclone Idai reached the Mozambican coast Thursday night and seriously damaged the coastal city of Beira, killing at least nineteen people and cutting off electricity and communications for its 500,000 inhabitants.

The climatic phenomenon has shifted last Friday and has isolated students from a Chimanimani boarding school, a region also welcomed by tourists due to its proximity to the national park.

The president of this country, Emmerson Mnangagwa, said the impact of Hurricane Idai as a disaster and said the government's response was coordinated by the Department of Civil Protection (DCP) through the national, provincial and district civil protection committees, with the 39, support from humanitarian partners.

The Army has supported search and rescue operations and evacuation of endangered communities, but access and logistics are difficult due to weather conditions.

In Mozambique, floods affected 117,000 people and more than 17,000 displaced people, while in neighboring Malawi, nearly one million people were affected, including more than 80,000 homeless, according to the report. International Federation of the Cross. Red

"Everything is destroyed"said the president of the African country mentioned above, Filipe Nyusi, who said that several education centers and other infrastructure had suffered serious damage.

The UN and its humanitarian partners in Mozambique have called for $ 40.8 million (about 36 million euros) to be raised in order to provide urgent aid to this country, although they are not enough. have not yet been able to accurately estimate the damage caused. for this natural disaster.

Zimbabwe is another country that has requested humanitarian aid (Courtesy: El País).

Thousands of people were left homeless in Mozambique (courtesy El País).

The storm has devastated everything in Mozambique (Sweetness: the country).

Not even a single helicopter to help men and women! Authorities were aware of this disaster before it happened. What measures has the government put in place to avoid and help people in the event of a disaster such as this?

– PANASHE (@ Panashe468)
March 16, 2019


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