Hypertension disorders can cause problems for the pregnant woman and the baby


"This disease occurs in 10% of pregnant women, while severe cases account for 5% of the total." In addition, up to 17% of pregnant women suffer from what is known as gestational hypertension or pregnancy-induced hypertension, which is mostly a mild alteration, but can sometimes pose serious complications and have a significant impact on the health of the pregnant woman and her baby, "says Liliana Voto, gynecologist and obstetrician, member of the Argentine Society of Arterial Hypertension (SAHA).

These percentages show the importance for women to perform cardiological consultations during pregnancy, especially if it is taken into account that high blood pressure is a "silent" disease which does not cause symptoms.

A person is considered hypertensive when his blood pressure (BP) is equal to or greater than the values ​​of 140/90 mmHg in two doses with an interval of 15 m

Indeed, a woman suffers from chronic hypertension when she is hypertensive before 20 weeks of pregnancy (that is, she was already suffering from hypertension before getting pregnant). On the other hand, when hypertension occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy, it is called gestational hypertension . During the gestation period, elevated BP can lead to complications for the mother and baby if it is not treated quickly, such as preeclampsia (which endangers the life of the fetus and the mother) or premature birth, "warned SAHA President Judith Zilberman, adding that" women should be controlled as young people ".

"And we must take special care with those who are already suffering from hypertension or contract it with a pregnancy because they have a greater risk than having a complication, that it is cardiac , renal or hepatic, compared to those who do not have it. "

According to Zilberman, in most cases, if a pregnant woman has an AP, she must be treated.

on the other hand, it should not fall below 120/70 mmHg, as it could harm the baby (by stealing the placental flow).

" Drugs used in the treatment are those which do not harm the fetus such as alphamethyl dopa, labetalol, nifedipine or amlodipine. Unless the woman has another concomitant disease, it starts in this order.The goal of treatment is to achieve fetal viability (pregnancy greater than 34 weeks) and avoid serious damage to the mother. case of preeclampsia, definitive treatment is delivery, "he said.

The best way to prevent hypertension is to maintain a healthy lifestyle even before the start of pregnancy

active life, with a varied Mediterranean diet and an adequate supply of dairy products, which can delay the onset of a problem during pregnancy, or at least facilitate its management.

"In the diet of pregnant women should not miss the p sneezes, essential for adequate growth of the fetus. Another important fact is that the pregnant and hypertensive woman should be fed a normosodium diet, that is to say that should not be totally salt-free. In fact, it is the only case of ETS in which salt is not banned, "said Olga Péaz, cardiologist at HTA service of Santoyani Hospital (MN 73856) and member of the SAHA.

Women are at greater risk of suffering complications during pregnancy are those who are overweight or obese, multiple pregnancies, those under 20 and over 40 or those who have have had these problems in previous pregnancies

Pregnant women should consult an emergency doctor when your blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mm Hg, and when you have the following warning signs : vision fuzzy or blurred, severe headache, nausea and / or persistent vomiting, if you notice a decrease or absence of baby's movements, if they are experiencing pain in the upper right abdomen or in the mouth of the baby 39, stomach, they suffer from photophobia (intolerance) ance in the light) or if they notice an exaggerated tendency to sleep (drowsiness), "says the specialist.

Source: NA

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