I am not a hero; what I did was something that came out of the heart


Macarena Cabruja shows her best wave, but at first it's hard to start and express what she feels. Last Saturday, Rosario, 25, a lifeguard and physical education teacher, grew up in Echesortu. He saved the life of a 10-year-old boy diving into a raging sea on a beach in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. "I am not a hero, it was something of the heart," he told Capital, of Spain, when he remembered the moment when he was not a hero, it was something of the heart, had not hesitated to stop playing volleyball with a friend to dive into the sea.

Maki, a Libyan born on October 1 st and having studied at the West Zone Institute of Santa Fe and Sucre, says once and a thousand times that this gives her a "trick" to talk about what's going on. pbaded Saturday afternoon. "I threw myself and gave myself to this person who did not know who he was," he says.

The girl is released, apologizes for her dark appearance and insists on conveying a message full of hope and good vibrations. Whoever talks about looking at each other, to be more human.

Previously, he encourages and tells some details of the rescue: "It was not work, it was heart. Someone in danger, no matter who it was, the important thing was to give him a hand. I knew what the sea looked like because we still had four hangovers I knew what the sea was sucking, but these things did not come out of my head. When I pulled off my pants, I knew where I was coming from and I knew that there was a party that could go well, but everything was there to go wrong. people have not helped me, I have asked for help and people have watched me, "he has a hint of indignation.

Do not abandon

He does not want to talk, but he seems to want to let off steam: "With this baby, we did not give up, but the sea ate us, I sat on a buoy, I wanted to tow it and the sea m & # Returned, I went back to the buoy, I looked at the harbor and something told me "do not sit, wait a little longer than someone comes to pick you up. "This little extra was about 20 minutes later, a ship arrived, but we could not get on because of the sea conditions. No one knows, nor me, how we are swimming from this sea."

Doubt a few moments and realize that this situation was "the worst" that he faced. "I recognize that I am sent, trained and I trust my condition," he says.

And as if that was the only place she wanted to go, she remembers a sentence from the baby that had moved her from head to toe: "The baby was about to die and told me I thought I would not save him because he was black, thinking that when I was a kid, I was doomed to know in what shit world I was going in. That's why I think the message is this: start thinking a little more about each other.Sometimes we see someone sitting on the sidewalk and dying cold Why do not we reach a thermos with l & # 39; hot water? If we care a little more about each other, we would be much better.For me, a smile, how are you, be attentive to each other.It is what matters, " he says.


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