“I am not that woman, who does not leave the house”, with the face of Anna Frank | Debate for a choreography on Tinelli’s program


Sofía Jujuy came to sing and dance on the Marcelo Tinelli program on Friday night and did a version of the song “I am not this woman”, by Paulina Rubio. The choreography could have been one of many choreographies that can be seen on a variety show, but it drew criticism from those who understood it involved a trivialization of the Holocaust.

The faces of famous women appeared on a screen. Not exactly with a certain model, since they were from Eva Perón to Gabriela Sabatini, passing by Mercedes Sosa, María Elena Walsh, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Niní Marshall and Frida Kahlo.

As Sofia Jujuy chanted the phrase “I am not that woman, who does not leave the house”, the face in the background was that of Anna Frank. At the same time, Sofia Jujuy sang “this spoiled, spoiled or lost girl”. The song also includes this passage: “I am not this woman, this lost girl, the one who signs a paper and gives you her life.”

The young Dutchwoman spent more than two years in hiding with her family in a house in Amsterdam during the Nazi occupation in World War II. On June 12, 1942, his 13th birthday, he received a gift journal. It filled its pages for several years, until August 1944, when the Nazis stormed and carried off the eight occupants of the hideout. Only Otto Frank, Anna’s father, survived. His wife and two daughters died in the Bergen-Belsen extermination camp. The posthumous publication of Daily makes it one of the most famous texts of the twentieth century and part of the central bibliography on the Holocaust.

The inclusion of Frida Kahlo, compared to the same line in the song, also seems unfortunate. The Mexican artist suffered a terrible traffic accident in his teens and spent months bedridden at home, while doing rehabilitation and starting to paint. In fact, he had mobility issues for the rest of his life. The fact that Eva Perón appears could refer to the story “That Woman” by Rodolfo Walsh, words that make up the title of the song. Tinelli’s name became a trend on Twitter following this episode.


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