I answered these 9 questions to see what you know about volcanoes


The world is paying attention to what is happening on the Spanish island. The lava moves slowly and heads to the sea. Thousands of people evacuated and desolation leaves the eruption of the volcano Cumbre Vieja, on the Canary Island of La Palma. Beyond the quivering images, the theme of volcanoes It’s always throbbing. They are there asleep, until they wake up and cause terror. Its shape, its height, the latent threat are questions that always arise.

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The territory where the Cumbre Vieja volcano is located, the island of La Palma, is barely two million years old. Due to its geological characteristics, two areas stand out: the north is older and more solid and the south is even younger in formation. All the volcanoes that have arisen in recent centuries have occurred in this region. The island is the one that has recorded the most eruptions of the entire Canary Islands archipelago. In 1824, there was an episode of triple volcanic eruption which gave rise to the volcanic edifices of Tao (O Montaña del Clérico Duarte), el Chinero (or Nuevo del Fuego) and Tinguatón.

GRAFCAN3343.  EL PASO (LA PALMA) (SPAIN), 09/19/2021.- The lava flows that have been descending the slopes of the municipality of El Paso (La Palma) for hours from the volcano that erupted this Sunday in the region de Cabeza de Vaca have a temperature of 1,075 degrees Celsius and travel at a speed of 700 meters per hour, as reported by the Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (Involcán).  In the image provided by Involcan, a scientist from one of their teams takes a thermal image of the laundry.  EFE / Involcán EDITORIAL USE ONLY / ONLY AVAILABLE TO ILLUSTRATE ACCOMPANYING NEWS (MANDATORY CREDIT)
GRAFCAN3343. EL PASO (LA PALMA) (SPAIN), 09/19 // 2021.- The lava flows that have been descending the slopes of the municipality of El Paso (La Palma) for hours from the volcano that erupted this Sunday in the Cabeza de Vaca region have a temperature of 1,075 degrees Celsius and advance at a speed of 700 meters per hour, as reported by the Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (Involcán). In the image provided by Involcan, a scientist from one of their teams takes a thermal image of the laundry. EFE / Involcán EDITORIAL USE ONLY / ONLY AVAILABLE TO ILLUSTRATE ACCOMPANYING NEWS (MANDATORY CREDIT)
For: EFE Services

Specialists cannot say for sure how long will the current eruption in the area last. The term depends on the amount of material that has been deposited in the volcano’s reservoir. However, it should last for several weeks or even months. Phenomena of this magnitude have occurred in the area of ​​the recent volcanoes of Tagoro, El Hierro (five months) and Teneguía (more than three weeks).


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