"I came and I asked him to resign "| Pope Francis …


The pope answered questions about the Argentine bishop Gustavo Zanchetta, accused of "badual abuse and power": he claimed that the trial against religious continues in the Vatican, gave details about the process and maintained that the presumption of innocence remained until the end of the example. Francisco said that the procedure "is not interrupted", as indicated by some sources, but he also admitted that "we must explain to people" what is happening now.

Jorge Bergoglio spoke about the subject in connection with a report that he presented to the journalist Valentina Alazraki, of the Mexican television channel Televisa, in which he addressed various issues relating to his pontificate, while venturing into the difficulties of the task that he accomplishes.
Bishop Zanchetta resigned from his post in the Catholic Diocese of Oran (Salta) on July 29, 2017, citing "a health problem" that prevented him from "fully carrying out pastoral ministry". However, it was surprising that the bishop unexpectedly left his post and settled in Corrientes, even before the pope accepted his resignation. Three months later, when his resignation had already been accepted, Francisco appointed him advisor to the Holy See Heritage Administration (APSA), the body responsible for the management of Vatican property.
In January of this year, the acting director of the Vatican Press Office, Alessandro Gisotti, announced that Zanchetta was undergoing an ecclesiastical investigation after being accused of abuse. badual abuse and abuse of power. She said the charges had "emerged in recent months, nearly a year after the pope appointed him to a post in the Vatican."
The question of the Mexican journalist was posed on the basis of versions indicating that the trial of Zanchetta was now frozen and that the pope had proposed to clarify the situation because "people do not understand" and "we must explain".
"Before asking him to resign, there was a charge and I immediately brought him here with the person accusing him and explaining it." The charges were based on images found on the phone, before which – the pope continued – "the defense of the accused was that he had been hacked". For Bergoglio, "he is well defended, so in the face of evidence and a good defense, the doubt remains, but, in Dubai then, well, I returned".
Faced with accusations of abuse of power and economic mismanagement, a "follow-up" was made to the bishop, the pope admitted, concluding that "he obviously had an agreement, some say despot authoritarian "and an" economic administration ". all clear, "which, however, has failed to prove itself.
Nevertheless, continues Francisco, "the clergy did not feel well treated by him, they complained until they denounced the nunciature", that is why "j & # 39; 39 called the nuncio and he said: "Look, the thing of the complaint is serious for abuse", abuse of power, could we say. "
Continuing with the detailed narrative, the pope said: "I brought him (to Zanchetta) and I asked him to resign, very clearly, I sent him to Spain to do a psychiatric test. " Some media said: "and the Pope gave him a summer vacation in Spain … He went for a psychiatric test."
Faced with the statement that, despite accusations of economic mismanagement, the pope has appointed him advisor to the APSA, Mr Bergoglio said that Mr Zanchetta "was disordered economically, but not on the economic plane ", and entrusted him with this responsibility Rome with psychiatric treatment.
"In December of last year, I decided to conduct the preliminary investigation into the charges that I had laid." A fortnight ago, the preliminary investigation arrived officially and I saw that it was necessary to make a judgment, "said the pope. "I sent it to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and they give the judgment," he added.
"Why am I telling him all that?" To say to the impatient ones that he says "he did not do anything", that the pope does not have to publish what he does every day, but I did not stay still from the beginning I did not stop. "
Bergoglio also specified that, although he is a bishop who, by his ecclesiastical right, should be judged by the pope, he refrains from doing so to be an Argentine and prefers to comply with a court . "You give the sentence and I promulgate it," he told the judges.
In the same interview, the pope reiterated to the Mexican journalist his opposition to the construction of the wall on the border between Mexico and the United States proposed by Donald Trump. "The one who builds walls ends up trapped in the walls that he builds … On the contrary, the one who builds fraternal bridges, shakes hands, even if he stays on the other side". He added that "we can perfectly defend the territory with a bridge … not necessarily with a wall, I am talking about political bridges of cultural bridges, we are not going to create a bridge on all the borders, that is to say. is impossible ".
About the world political situation, Francisco said that "there is something that does not work." Basically, I think the basis is environmental abuse and economic abuse, and there are fewer and fewer rich people who own the majority of the world's wealth. " poorer with less than the minimum to live. All fortune is concentrated in relatively small groups compared to others, and the poor are more numerous, so the poor seek boundaries, seek new horizons, I think that is the origin. The economic erosion, which is no longer economic, is financial, we are already outside the world of the economy, we are in the world of finance, where finances are gaseous. "
And he pleaded for pacts in politics. Because "if the leaders of the politics of a country fight with each other, the country suffers," he said. "We have to look for political solutions, I do not know how to say them because I'm not a politician, I do not have this job, but politics is creative, let's not forget that it's one of the highest forms of charity, love, social love, but when politics must throw for each party a situation of violence is created within the very political activity ".

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