“I can go without washing my head for up to 8 weeks”


Michelle denis is the Australian hairstylist who keeps adding followers on social media for her beauty and hair care tips that she shares on TikTok. TOsure you have the key to solving those seemingly impossible problemsIf you are fighting oily hair, dry ends, frizz and other hair dramas, their proposals might interest you.

This is probably something you haven’t tried until now and their initiatives range from spacing between hair washes to how to do highlights at home. Do youHow? ‘Or’ What? Of course, it seems that the key to having divine hair would be precisely not to wash it.

Logically, this is the advice that has given rise to the most surprises so far. The detail in all this is that you have to space the hair washes slowly. The hairstylist confessed that she can last up to eight weeks without shampooing her hair, thanks to a trick much simpler than expected.

The beauty tips that made a hairdresser very popular.  Capture video

The beauty tips that made a hairdresser very popular. Capture video

The most important thing is to be able to straighten our hair, that is to say to get used to washing it very occasionally so that it is not greasy. Most people who suffer from oily hair and dry ends tend to have this problem due to over washing, as the hairdresser stated in her clips.

The first step is: “Whatever your wash day, start putting it off until the next day or two.”, and adds that “You have to persevere and continue these extra days for a few months. Add or change one more day for at least six months. “

According to Dennis, this process, although it is very efficient, it is also very slow. It may take months or even years to achieve the desired result. For that, the key is patience and perseverance to gradually see the results.

The beauty tips that made a hairdresser very popular.  Capture video

The beauty tips that made a hairdresser very popular. Capture video

Michele has become a strong advocate of widely spaced washes. His TikTok account is full of videos that not only give tips on how to learn how to space washes, but also parodies on his face when a customer explains why he washes his hair so often, and short videos encouraging users not to. washing hair. in a long time.

The beauty tips that made a hairdresser very popular.  Capture video

The beauty tips that made a hairdresser very popular. Capture video

The popularity of the hairdresser on social networks continues to grow. To date, Michelle accumulates over 31,000 followers on TikTok who have become loyal fans. of her beauty and hair care advice.

The beauty tips that made a hairdresser very popular.  Capture video

The beauty tips that made a hairdresser very popular. Capture video

The avant-garde


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