“I can’t stop crying for you”


Caroline Losada, which a few days ago left its place in Intractable (America) to devote himself to politics, goes through a difficult period after the death of his pet, Almita, his nearly 20-year-old toy poodle dog.

The candidate for senator de Juntos por el Cambio said his farewell to Almita with a moving post on Instagram, accompanied by photos and videos of the moments shared.

“I want to remember you like this forever, my 19 year and 7 month old faithful companion. It’s been 2 days that I keep yelling at you and I hardly have time to do it with all my strength “commented Losada.

Carolina Losada announced the death of her pet on Instagram.

Carolina Losada announced the death of her pet on Instagram.

“Always listening, my accomplice, leader, crazy, courageous, conceited, gentle, and companion of so much life. I miss you already today and I will miss you forever, Almita “, he concluded.

The post received thousands of “likes” and was filled with comments, mourning the loss of Almita.

Various friends also wrote to her, such as journalist Valeria Schapira, who noted: “I’m sorry with all my heart. I embrace you dear Caro and don’t forget that love takes many forms.

Carolina Losada regretted the departure of Almita, her pet.  Instagram

Carolina Losada regretted the departure of Almita, her pet. Instagram

“I am sorry with all my heart. I hold you very tight Caro and don’t forget to remind you that love takes many forms “, “It happens to all of us. They should be forever. A kiss in heaven from the furry angels” and “He will always be with you. Strength and embrace,” were some of the comments Losada received from his many followers.

Change of direction

Communicating that she was changing media for a political career, the former Intratables said: “I believe journalism is something sacred that we all have to stand up for, but today I feel like I have to get out of my comfort zone to enter the realm of politics, because it is the one who provides the tools to make a real difference. “

“I think a lot of decent people have to take the plunge and bet for the country this way, so that there are no more Argentines who leave, or who go abroad in search of opportunities, ”he declared in his networks to explain his decision.

And he condemned: “The only thing I can promise is that what is to come, I will face it with the same commitment, honesty, loyalty and courage with which I entered into journalism.”


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