"I did not kill her and I indulged for my kids," said the alleged grinder cutter | Chronic


A man accused of murdering and dismembering his wife with a grinder in March at Villa 31, in the Retiro district of Buenos Aires, was on the run for 50 days until he was arrested in Paraguay. He is extradited to the country and testifies before the judge. He denied Friday that he was the author of the feminicide and said he only left for his children and his parents, police and judicial sources said.

It is about Waldo Servian Riquelme (33), arrested last night in the custody of agents of Interpol and Asunción, on flight 1263 of the company Aerolineas Argentinas. This morning, he was brought before the courthouse to be the subject of an investigation for the feminicide of his wife. Liliana Gonzalez (37).

"I did not kill her and I only gave myself to Encarnación for my children and my parents", This is the only sentence that the accused of Paraguayan nationality told the judge of the case, Hugo Decaria, by the National Criminal and Correctional Court 39, after which he refused to testify, according to a judicial source.

Although the fact is a "homicide doubly aggravated by the link and for having been committed against a woman and mediatizing gender violence "Servian Riquelme can not be sentenced to this punishment because it is one of the conditions for his extradition.

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"In Paraguay, there is no feminicide figure and the extradition agreement with that republic indicates in textual form that it will not surrender a citizen of that country required by a foreign authority is liable to imprisonment for life imprisonment or the death penalty."Explained the defendant of the accused, Alberto Caraballo.

Therefore, in case of conviction at an upcoming oral trial, the defendant who told the judge on Friday that he was living on tips received at the pension terminal for loading and unloading bags, can not be charged "homicide aggravated by the link " but the sentence can not exceed 25 years in prison.

Gonzalez's womanfemicide, a Paraguayan national, was discovered on March 17 when police broke into house 211, Block 110, 13th Street, Villa 31 bis Retiro, where he lived with his partner.

When they arrived at the toilets, members of the preventive prevention unit 4 and the communal police station 1 found the first dismembered human remains, which would later belong to González.

Other parts of the body were found inside the oven of the kitchen, as well as on the terrace next to a dog. The head appeared with shaved hair.

For the amount of leftovers, the police initially thought that there might be more than one victim, and then the coroners determined at the autopsy that it was safe for them. was acting from a single body belonging to González, who was stabbed to death and then dismembered with a grinder. electrical removed at the scene.

READ ALSO: <a href = "https://www.cronica.com.ar/policial/El-femicida-de-la-amoladora-llego-de- Paraguay-but-follow-profugo-20190501-0030.html "target =" _ blank ">The grinding femicide escaped Paraguay but remains on the run

Investigators of the homicide division of the municipal police, the judge Diego Javier Slupski -to the time in charge of the court that intervened, and the prosecutor Andrés Madrea, who managed to reconstruct all the movements of the alleged feminicide since he's committed the crime until his flight to his home country, Paraguay, where he spent 50 days on the run.

The problem was that the crime was committed on Saturday, March 16, and that the search began the next day, Sunday, 17, when the suspect had already crossed the border between Misiones and Paraguay.

According to the investigation, Servian Riquelme left on March 16th her two children – a boy and a girl of school age – in the care of her sister, also domiciled at Barrio 31, and asked her to take them away in the afternoon. Retiro bus station to say goodbye to them because they had to go to Paraguay.

That same Saturday, the accused went collectively towards the province of Misiones and from there approached a recall with which he was recorded crossing his country at 8:05 am on Sunday, March 17, while the dismembered body His wife was not found.

The sender of the missionary said that Servian Riquelme was nervous, that he needed to cross to get to Paraguay and that, to reduce costs, he was sharing the trip with two women that he did not did not know.

Already in Paraguay, the sender left Servian Riquelme in a terminal and the defendant went to his hometown near Encarnación, where he had just been delivered on May 6, 50 days later The crime.


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