"I did not want him to go to this electronic party" | Chronic


Lourdes Moyano, sister of the 19-year-old girl from Mar del Plata who died in Palma de Mallorca after consuming ecstasy, said that "I did not want him to go to this party"and stated that he had not seen her before her death in a Barcelona hospital.

"I did not want him to go to this party, but she wanted to have fun, and for the sake of her turn, it was her turn to die in the worst of ways", said the young Marplantense, with a broken voice, explaining the circumstances that ended the life of her sister, with whom she lived in Spain.

"I do not know if his death could have been avoided, but it's important to look for who gave him the medicine and if he falsified it." It was his turn, but that would have could happen to anyone. "added Lourdes.

READ ALSO: Shock to the death of a Marplatense who consumed ecstasy in Spain

Three months ago, Lourdes and Miracles Alanis Moyano they moved from Mar del Plata to the island of Mallorca, where relatives lived, including his brother Lautaro, with the intention of working both as a lifeguard and traveling across Europe .

"We arrived and went to a gym, they also told us that there was a hockey club and we registered to play, we went swimming and worked on the beach. together: travelingLourdes explained, recalling a dream truncated by tragedy.

Milagros loved parties more than Lourdes, but she did not imagine that her sister could lose her life so horribly, after dying for three days after supposedly consuming a half-pill of falsified ecstasy with "rat poison".

READ ALSO: Upsetting: "I'd like to know who sold the poison to my baby"

"In Mar del Plata, we know that in these electronic parties, there are a lot of drug addicts, and here it was supposed to be the same, it does not change much, I do not like it and I do not did not want Milagros to be, but she wanted to go"said Lourdes, who that day received a call from a girl who was with his sister and informed him that Milagros had been hospitalized for a very serious emergency after collapsing.

Lourdes says that after arriving at the Palma Hospital, "In one of the medical pieces, they told me that it seemed like the drug was adulterated and they talked about the possibility of a rat poison."

"The doctors said that in addition to the symptoms of ecstasy, I had a lot of chemicals in the body and that the liver was bursting."Lourdes explained.

"She was unconscious, connected to machines, channeled, could not do anything alone"says the young woman who says that"none of the visits was lost"authorized by doctors.

After the transfer of Milagros to Barcelona "and when I traveled, I did not see it alive anymore"His parents arrived in Spain after his death.

The twin said that despite the hard blow that involves the loss of her twin sister, she does not intend to return to the country. "In our plans I was never back, and here I will stay"Lourdes said.


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