I didn’t know which one was the left and which was the right: look at what was tattooed on his hands | the Chronicle


An Australian tattooed herself on the left and right respectively on her arms to recognize the two directions, as she was often confused when she wanted to identify each of them.

This is D’Kodia Laine, a 23-year-old communications student who according to the Daily Mail was tattooed this week by artist Lauren Winzer, who owns a renowned studio 4 kilometers south of Sydney.

“Not only are tattoos cute, they can be super functional too! Good luck anytime you need to get your bearings, I’m happy to guide you “tattoo artist Winzer wrote on her Instagram account when she posted a photo with the tattoo.

D’Kodia Laine, a 23-year-old communications student, who got a tattoo on her hands.

In the left hand a small L (left) has been drawn and in the right an R (right), left and right in English.

According to her account, the young woman suffered throughout her life from not being able to distinguish between right and left, but in recent years, every time she grew up, she felt that she had to find a solution to avoid problems and ridicule. .

“My friends would joke that it’s ridiculous for an adult to make an L-shape with their hands to differentiate themselves… It started as a joke (the tattoo), but it’s actually very useful and I don’t seem silly to make an L with my fingers to find out “Laine told the Daily Mail.

On the other hand, he said he invented tattoos when he was playing a game with his friends. Oldest boy He said they were playing “treasure hunt” and that she was the one who was chosen to play “Navigator”.

However, the game was thwarted when, through his fault, your team has taken the wrong direction. At the time, half quarrelsome and half joking, a friendand painted the letters “L” and “R” on the hands with a marker and voila, they fixed the problem, at least until the game was over. Eventually, Laine got his hands tattooed back and forth.

The photo with the tattoos uploaded by the tattoo artist Winemaker Lauren On his Instagram account, which has already accumulated 3,921 likes, he elicited hundreds of responses in support of the girl’s decision.

L (left) and R (right) tattoos on his hands.


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