“I don’t want to die”: the last words of a minor shot dead by the police | the Chronicle


Arizona State Police Officer Kills 17-Year-Old Boy After shoot it in the back on two occasions, to prevent him from escaping a pursuit. The tragic episode happened two months ago, but this Saturday, the police department released the images captured in an unseen video, from the subjective camera carried by the officer who murdered the minor.

In the video you can see the footage in which the policeman runs towards the suspect, identified with the last name Canoe, who would have escaped after the officer Chase Bebak-Miller alert you not to turn on your bike. As they enter a park, the policeman tells him to get down, but the teenager does not, so the policeman shoots him in the back.

Bebak-Miller he shoots again at close range when the young man drops a weapon and, already on the ground, tries to pick it up. At this time, the policeman calls for support from the local medical units, to take care of the armed suspect. As can be heard in the video, Cano explained during the arrest that he was trying to drop the weapon.

“Gun fired! Come down!”the policeman had shouted at Canoe. Almost at the same time, Bebak-Miller fires the first shot. Then he shoots the second bullet when he sees that the young man wants to take his gun.

Already on the ground, Bebak-Miller asks the suspect to put his hands behind his back. “I’m sorry sir. I can’t”, was Cano’s response. Then the officer told the inmate: “Hey, I want to help you, okay?”.

Cano desperately pleaded with 4 officers who arrived at the scene to “Hurry up” to take him to the hospital. “I don’t want to die. I can’t feel my legs.”the detainee told the police, who gave him first aid.

Mother’s statement after Cano’s death

After being hospitalized for three weeks, Cano died of gunshot wounds. Meanwhile, the mother of the murdered miner, Renee Clum, protested the police action and demanded that a further investigation be carried out to clarify the facts.

The woman held the middle The Republic of Arizona that your son “he was afraid to come home” and he did “nothing wrong except ride a bike without lights”.

In a Facebook post, Clum said that “On January 2, 2021, the Chandler Police Department did not take a bad boy to the street”, otherwise what “they killed a child”, What “he was not a member of a gang”.

Cano’s mother said now her son is “shining and shining star”, whose desire to start an academic career was truncated.


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