I had a vasectomy: I feel less macho, but more man and partner


Both are 37 years old and come from the city of Pergamino, Buenos Aires. Javier is a journalist and Julia is a first-level teacher. They have been together for 15 years and have two children: Benicio (8) and Lorenzo (6).

"When my first child was born, we found Julia with a vein a little wider than normal and, because of the prevention, she was told that she could not take or use anything that Hormones released, so we suspended the distribution of the pills IUD but it was also complicated, we tried the condom, but I was allergic to lactex ", Said Javier minutouno.com.

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Javier Ferreyra and Julia have been together for 15 years

Javier Ferreyra and Julia have been together for 15 years

To be safe and not depend on the contraceptive pill, the first thing they thought was tubal ligation. But it was Julia who had to undergo a new procedure.

"As always, she puts the body all the time with pills, the famous IUD and buys even condoms most of the time. When you race you realize that the lining is you"he said.

For Javier, the subject was not taboo, but he was scared and began to investigate. He consulted the urologist and was surprised by the speed of the procedure, which helped him even more to make up his mind. "I went to the hospital of Favaloro, I took my turn, and the urologist not only encouraged me, but also said that more and more people Men were encouraging. " No more, he brought me with the secretary and set a date for the operating room. It was immediate"He said

Hearing the testimony of a friend also helped him make his decision. "It helped me a lot. He ended up having a vasectomy and his experience encouraged me and helped me to tell mehe badured.

Finally, on May 31, they proceeded to the procedure and the others decided to tell their experience of social networks and their message became viral. "Yesterday at 7 pm, I left the operation room because of a vasectomy. At 11 pm, I had empanadas with Julia in my old house. It's as simple"he wrote on Twitter.

To integrate

Yesterday at 7 pm, I left the operation room because of a vasectomy. At 11 pm, I had empanadas with Julia in my old house. It's as simple [ABRO HILO] pic.twitter.com/o6KbZ4CwOW

– Javier Ferreyra® (@ezculapio) June 1, 2019

"Know that men who read this will confirm their great fear, I feel less macho, let alone macho, but, just like a man and more than Julia's partner, she is crazy and I get a little closer to her. ;she." , he said.

On the other hand, he also stated that they had talked about the operation to their children to show them equality: "Maybe I would ask them to naturalize it and live it that way, without having to reset tomorrow as we had to do it."

Users congratulated him and many asked him questions on the subject. "One of the things that surprised me most was the general ignorance, I was getting a lot of messages on Twitter from people asking me ridiculous things"he badured.

One of the most common problems was whether the operation was painful. Javier replied: "It's an almost exact boredom for the famous playground, but it did not happen 24 hours a day and it disappears very quickly."


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