I hit you because I want you to vote for me


It is impossible to draw a conclusion from what has happened in the last 48 hours in the Congress of Deputies and outside. Because there are many and all kinds and fur. That politics and lordship do not go hand in hand when we discuss the entry into power or the elimination of this power is well known. Principles just. And if we do not see. Today, since the platform of the speakers, Pedro Sanchez he slammed Pablo Iglesias that "if it forces me to choose between the Spanish presidency and my convictions, I choose my convictions".

He could also have said, imitating Groucho Marx. "These are my principles. If you do not like them, I have others. Except that the double failure – in 2016 he ushered in such an unenviable phenomenon in the Spanish political history – aspiring to the presidency of the government, decided to change.

"The responsibility for Mr. Rajoy to lose the endowment fund is exclusive to Mr. Rajoy for being unable to articulate a majority ". With this sentence, Sanchez Rajoy pointed out his refusal to abstain so that the Conservative would be re-elected in 2016. Now, as if this year 2016 did not exist, the Socialist accused United We, the People's Party and citizens, of his failure in the last two cases precisely not to abstain, despite their insistent demands.

Pedro Sánchez lost a key vote to form the Spanish government

But to what extent did the Socialist really seek to seduce the party to his left? The candidate always tries to seduce his elector, because it depends on the achievement of his goal which is none other than power. It is therefore difficult to understand why Sanchez, as today her spokesperson in Congress, Adriana Lastra, has referred to Iglesias with unusual harshness during both investiture sessions. More than offering to share a place in bed gave the impression that they wanted to send him to sleep on the couch.

Always in the fight for history, the PSOE shows worrying limits. This morning, before the start of the inaugural session, Vice President Carmen Calvo told Cadena Ser (the broadcaster with the largest audience in the country) that "we had the price to let nothing filter. We have not revealed anything throughout these days for reasons of negotiation. " An hour before the start of the inaugural session, Calvo repeated, this time in front of a television channel, that they were not filtering any document. The documents in question, which include petitions (filtered by "requirements"), such as the one that details the proposals for unified government positions, have been modified and filtered, according to the different Spanish media, by Vice Presidency, carried out by Calvo. It is clear that this action would not be undertaken to restore, at least in part, the relationship exhausted with Iglesias, let alone his confidence in the negotiators of the PSOE.

Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias, narrative of a disagreement

This correlation of events, to which we must add Sánchez's veto to Iglesias to enter the government, leads us to think that the Socialists never thought of sharing power with United We as a partner, but at most use it as a group stay to stay at La Moncloa.

So, and that is the million dollar question, what are the Socialists really pursuing? Back to bipartism? Interestingly, in the polls this week, the PSOE has increased the intention to vote but does not reach the absolute majority. A rise to the popular party and a brutal fall to the citizens and the United States, parties that threatened to break the traditional alternation of power between socialists and conservatives.

So, and ask for another million, let's ask another question. Sanchez thinks of playing in the elections that should take place in November, if in September he fails again? In principle, this seems crazy, although in the field of political madness, the last word is never spoken.

The political meteorological trajectory of Pedro Sánchez

Meanwhile, in September, Iglesias, his political party, will finally realize that three or four ministries, especially if they belong to the social field, will allow them to recover the motive that they have. they lose election after election.

Iglesias played until the limit and lost. Sanchez, who loves so much the staging of power, will now sell to his constituents that no one wrings his wrist; and less radicals left, will add to the institution.

While the left is fighting as only the left knows, Pablo Casado, leader of the Popular Party, rubs his hands. The other survivor of Spanish politics is waiting.


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