“I just killed your daughter”: grandmother murdered her 9 year old granddaughter | the Chronicle


Elvira Guevara Carlos, a woman from the municipality of Tenango del Valle, in the state of Mexico, was sentenced to 78 years and four months in prison for the murder of her 9-year-old granddaughter.

The crime was committed on July 28, 2019, when the woman, who had custody of her granddaughter, TeresitaFrom the age of 8 months, he caused severe burns to the girl’s body.

According to authorities, this violent behavior was common among the minor’s grandmother, who also neglected not to transfer her to the hospital to have her injuries assessed.

Finally, the minor died of secondary generalized sepsis caused by second-degree burns that she had on 30% of the body’s surface.

“Excuse me, I just killed your daughter”, was the sentence the woman said to her daughter, the girl’s mother, after committing the crime, then leaving the minor’s body and fleeing the scene.

When the authorities found the lifeless body of the minor, an investigation was opened which ended with the arrest of her grandmother, who has just been sentenced.


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