“I kill and I die”: severe response from an internist to Paola Ochoa for the debate on breastfeeding


Out of 100 girls aged 15 now, more than 30 will have a child alive before the age of 20, details & # 243;  UNFPA Representative in Mexico, Arie Hoekman, during the presentation of this document.  EFE / S & # 225;  shenka Guti & # 233;  rrez / Archive
Out of 100 girls aged 15 now, more than 30 will have a child alive before the age of 20, details & # 243; UNFPA Representative in Mexico, Arie Hoekman, during the presentation of this document. EFE / S & # 225; shenka Guti & # 233; rrez / Archive

Senator Juan Luis Castro, who promotes the project in Congress junk food law in Congress, assured on Blu Radio that it was necessary to approve this initiative so that consumers know what they are really buying.

“A specific example is with powdered milk, mothers are made to believe that it contains iron, vitamins and they have been told that powdered milk is better than breast milk ”, he clarified in the conversation with this radio outlet.

A debate that followed at the Blu working table to which the panelist Paola Ochoa belongs, who is not immune to controversies due to her positions and opinions, and this time she was no exception.

Program director Néstor Morales asked Ochoa if jarred milk or breast milk is better, since she has had four children, to which he replied: “I have four children, three were born here and one there (United States) and the one who was born there told us to the pediatrician that we had to start giving him powdered milk after three. months, because these milks are super fortified they have a lot of amino acids, minerals, vitamins and that is precisely what it does is that children can develop much faster in size “, assured the journalist.

He also added that there are factors of genetic inheritance but that in these countries they greatly favor the consumption of milk in jars, “Because supposedly after three months and the amount of defenses that pass through breast milk is already minimal”.

But the most controversial part of the panelist’s intervention was when she said that in some areas it is believed that give breast milk for one or two years comes from underdeveloped countries.

Ochoa continued to advocate for jarred milk and ensured that there is no single truth and that the advantage of breast milk is that it is “It’s very economical”.

Faced with this controversy, Sister Acosta internist and maternity counselor, spoke on Twitter about what was said by the Blu Radio panelist. “I just heard what they said this morning and I am killing and eating the dead,” he said after listening to the show.

“Let’s start by saying that the recommendation of the WHO, of all the medical and scientific associations in the world, is unanimous. There are no doubts or arguments: breast milk is the only food every baby should receive until 6 months “, explained the expert.

“And that goes for Switzerland, Madagascar, the United States, Colombia, China, Kenya… for all countries. Whether developed or not, first world or last. And that falls as much of her weight as realizing that the vast majority of mothers, no matter where they were born, can breastfeed, ”Acosta argued.

The doctor told Paola Ochoa that, “Feeding your children breast milk does not come from poor or underdeveloped countries. It belongs to everyone. And promoting breastfeeding is a collective OBLIGATION “.

“There’s no scientific evidence that says anything like that, gringos are bigger because they’re formula-fed. And even less that after 3 months the milk ceases to have defenses and that is why it is better to give infant formula ”, Surella Acosta said.


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