"I knew Florencia Kirchner was bad but not so bad," admitted Eduardo Valdés – 14/03/2019


Eduardo Valdés, an operator and close to Cristina Kirchner, revealed Thursday that he was aware of Florencia Kirchner's health problems but that he did not know what was going on. "So serious" the state of the daughter of the former president, who is interned in Cuba.

Without giving details of the suffering of Kirchner's youngest daughter, Valdés said he saw "Very hit"Cristina, who was told Sunday that painting in Florence" was not good ".

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"The former president of politics has paid for everything, but it's very difficult when you touch your son, if it hurts, it hurts twice, I did not see Cristina well and I told her: It's the first time I see her beaten. I saw her very hurt when she told me that she was going to Cuba. And then I wrote him in a message that I sent him. I knew Florence was wrong but I did not know it was so bad, "said the former ambbadador to the Vatican.

Cristina Kirchner went to Cuba early Thursday with her daughter Florencia, who is under medical treatment. While she was already flying, the former president broadcast on social media a video in which, without revealing her daughter's illness, blamed justice for it.

"(Florence) This is not correct, it's clear, that's why his mother traveled to Cuba. I was with the president on Sunday when she was informed that the clinical picture was not correct and that she told me that she had made the decision to surrender in Cuba to see her, that she was doing a treatment of what she describes very well, "Valdés said on the radio Continental

Without giving any details, the operator Kirchnerist stated that "There are a lot of panic attacks in Florence, constantly sensed by transcended journalism that at any moment they would stop it. "

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"It was the picture I had in Argentina, it's a very painful and painful subject … and it's something we, the Argentineans, do not have to get used to, that's does not fit, it's not fair, "he added.

Finally, he warned that "it does not make sense that Cristina is a candidate If the microclimate in which you have to move is this madness, this hate, quote it to 8 investigations in one day, which, in Argentina, is naturalized. This is the biggest judicial cruelty. "



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