"I know I still have a mission" | Letter from the prison …


The former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has been serving since last April in a prison in the city of Curitiba, said in a letter to his supporters yesterday that he resists in prison because he knows that He still has a mission to accomplish in Brazil. "The strength that makes me resist this ordeal comes from you and from my belief that I am innocent, but I resist especially because I know that I still have an important mission to fulfill at this moment when democracy, national sovereignty and the rights of the Brazilian people are threatened by powerful economic and political interests, including foreign powers, "he said.

The letter, written from his cell in Curitiba, was read Saturday before the participants in the "National Meeting of Lula Libre", convened by the Workers Party (PT) and which brings together left-wing leaders and social movements in São Paulo . badyze new strategies to lobby for freedom of the exmandatario.

In his letter, Lula thanked the solidarity and support he received from activists who formed political committees to lobby for their freedom in different cities, as well as leaders from other countries who are also demanding to be released. He added that he is facing the new mission that has appeared in his life as a collective challenge, as he has done for over 45 years as a union and political leader.

"My fight for a fair trial, in which my innocence is recognized by the irrefutable evidence presented by the defense, makes sense only if it is included in the defense of democracy, the recovery of Rule of law and development project social inclusion that the country wants to rebuild, "he said.

According to what has been considered the most charismatic president in the history of Brazil, it is becoming increasingly clear that he was sentenced as part of a political persecution aimed at preventing his new election for the presidency in the elections of last October. He added that to prevent him from participating in the elections, a "judicial joke" had been organized with the help of the media to "poison" the population with lies.

According to Lula, it's only this month that the prosecutors who accused her have reached an agreement with the US government to receive 2.5 billion reais ($ 657.9 million ) of the Brazilian oil company Petrobras. what was behind the whole process. "In exchange for this fortune, the prosecutors promised to disclose the secrets and strategic information of our Petrobras abroad," Lula said. The agreement mentioned by the former president was the one that Petrobras had signed with the US securities authorities to suspend the lawsuit against him in that country. It included the provision of resources to a foundation established by the prosecutor's office to fund anti-corruption campaigns Brazil


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