"I know that I have to work to get the country out of the state …


Alberto Fernández was today at AM 750 studios to talk about the program Slate of his candidacy for the presidency of Frente de Todos. "I take the candidacy with calm, not irresponsible," he said, pointing out that "the policy says I have to badume the presidency for four years" and that he has a challenge: "I know that I have to work to get out of it "in the country of the chaotic state in which Macri leaves it".

In this sense, he stated that "it is my biggest challenge" and that "I am preparing for that". He acknowledged that "I've much rationalized the policy and that's why I thought I'd never be a candidate"; and that is why "since May 18", when Cristina Fernandez announced that she would be his vice-presidential candidate, "I would only badyze how to do after the next day, December 11, because there is a huge commitment to the four million poor who Macri has generated, those who have stayed out of the system, those who have no work, businessmen who have had to drop the curtain, poor children ".

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Fernandez spoke about the impact of the judiciary in politics and said that "when politics fails, justice figures appear in its place". He did not consider that it was only Argentina: "It is an action against the opponents of Macri, Temer and Bolsonaro in Brazil, Moreno in Ecuador." He recalled having spoken at the time with Lula's counselor already deceased, Marco Aurelio García. "He told me and I was not sure what he was saying, he was right: there is a correlate in the action of justice and the means to persecute and stigmatize, we see it with Lula and with Cristina ".

From this perspective, he felt that "the goal was to get Cristina out of the scene and they did not reach her". He attributed this failure to the fact that in Argentina "there is a political and social consciousness different from that of other countries, with social groups and a movement of political union that makes us insensitive to these attacks". In her opinion, without this resistance, "she could not be a candidate".

Fernandez said that it was "a ridiculous discussion", since "I have been teaching law for thirty years" and that, thanks to this proposal, "l & # 39; Attention is diverted "about" important issues. "He recalled that" there are people who have become richer to gain more weight, at the expense of taxi drivers, "for example. And he said that the opening of imports was detrimental to the Argentine industry. In addition, he pointed out that "half of the boys are poor, in a world where intelligence is the most important thing and we leave them out of the future".

Fernández was in the AM 750 studios of Monserrat district.

Regarding the incorporation of Miguel Pichetto as Macri's partner, he badured that it was "an incomprehensible decision" and that he "n & # 39; There was no explanation ". He felt that "it is difficult for them to explain to their own and the Peronists" that they have joined the senator of Río Negro. "If you have to explain to so many people, you have problems," summarized Fernandez.

In another pbadage, he stated that "with Mbada we had a good coffee" and that it was good to meet the leader of the Renovador Front. "There were disagreements, but I respect him a lot."

Regarding the impact of the false news, he said that "I can not predict them and I will limit myself to denying them". He called for a "frank and honest campaign" and asked that "we discuss country models and not mistreat ourselves with lies". He added: "I want to debate with Macri to know which country he wants and which country I want and which people choose".

In another order, Fernandez did not spare his congratulations for Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, whom he described as "the politician who impressed me the most", José Mugica being called a "philosopher". "Pepe knows how to explain consumer society and postmodernity," said the former Uruguayan president. "Lula is exceptional and we owe her the unity of the continent."

Looking towards the future, he stressed that "between the ideal and the possible, we go as far as possible", but "without forgetting the other". He stressed that "aiming for everything sometimes means having nothing". He also criticized the fact that "they wanted to convince us that liberalism was declining in Latin America" ​​and pointed out a mistake: "Despite the changes we made, we could not change the economic structure of our countries, something that only Evo Morales could do in Bolivia, and It was not easy to do. "

As for Argentina, he said that "it's more difficult to do," Cristina was trying to spread the income, but to separate from the deficit and the opening of Macri imports. According to him, "we have to bet on SMEs to produce and export".

The candidate smiled with a group of workers.

He claimed that when he arrived at Casa Rosada, at the end of his term, "in 2023, I will devote myself to politics, I have always done it" and once again underlines his idea that justice "regains its prestige", recalling the time of his childhood. , as the son of a judge who lived in a rented house and who had been removed from office by the dictatorship in 1976. "I kept all his ethical teachings," he said about his father. "They complain because I live in a friend's house: it's hard for me to rent and I have no problem recognizing it."

Finally, she had some brief definitions about Cristina ("I like her a lot, she's a very precious person in Argentine politics"), Jair Bolsonaro ("The opposite of Cristina is a mistake that society Brazilian will correct "), Donald Trump (" The Americans have chosen and this is not what is best in the world "), Peronism (" the movement that has incorporated society to those who had and who is still capable of transforming the country "), Clarín (" a newspaper that does It forgot what is journalism ") and Argentina (" the country that I love I would like it to be fairer and that's what I propose ").


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