“I landed in Germany alive, but dead inside”: Rebecca Sprößer’s letter to her murdered friend in Cali


German Rebecca Sprößer wrote a heartfelt letter after the death of her friend who was with her when they were apparently the victims of an attempted robbery in the neighborhood of Las Ceibas, Cali, but the German denounced the fact as a hitman attack.

The young man received more than 10 gunshot wounds all over his body and, according to the German citizen, it was he who saved his life. While the young man was still hospitalized the German woman was arrested by Migración Colombia and deported from the country for his participation in the front line during the demonstrations in the capital of the Valle del Cauca.

Once in Germany, the young woman published a letter that she wrote saying that it was on the run to her country that she learned of the death of the one she called her guardian angel.

“July 28 at 7:40 pm. m- part of me is dead. At 7.40 p.m. I was due to catch the flight to Germany and by the time I got on the plane my guardian angel Johan Sebastián Bonilla passed away and I want everyone to know his name. I want her story to be known until the end of this world “commented the German.

In the letter, he also recounted that together, when the plane took off for his country, he learned that he had passed away. “At first I couldn’t breathe and thought my heart would stop beating. But after a few seconds, I started screaming and screaming and crying all the time. I was in the last row of the plane and up to the first row with its 250 passengers my screams were heard and so I canceled the take off to the pilots “, he stressed.

“No one could calm me down until the captain came to try to comfort me. I continued to scream and cry for the next 12 hours of the flight and swear I can’t stand the death any longer. I thought I was going to die with him on that plane. I landed in Germany alive, but dead inside “remarked the young woman.

In his letter, Sprößer asks that his friend be remembered and told how he met him and befriended him until the day he died:

I met him on May 3rd on my first day in Puerto Resistencia. I knew him as the most steadfast and dedicated person to the cause, to change his country, to build a better future for Colombia, for our children and the next generation to come. He gave everything for his country, day and night, even his own chest and his life. I knew him as the noblest and bravest person that exists in this world, from day one I had so much respect for him and admired him with all that I am. I knew him as a person of values, with courage like no one else had, a real man who knows how to do things well. I knew him as a person who speaks with his heart in his hand and no one in my life has ever hugged me as long and sincerely as him. He did me the honor of knowing his big heart and soul – and I swear I have never seen anything so beautiful. If you ask me who he was to me. Do you know this unconditional love? What is the same between a mother and her child or between God and his human beings? All I wanted was to see him happy, to see his smile and to see him full of love. What we had was love for the cause, a platonic love that we share fighting side by side and he always treated me with all the respect in this world.

The German woman also said that once death threats against the young man started for taking part in the protests, she tried to convince him to leave Puerto Resistencia.

She pointed out that on July 22, the day of the attack, he contacted her in the morning to ask if they had seen each other and to discuss the threats. “We are in the park of the district of Las Ceibas next to the Simón Bolívar highway and fate gave us at least 1 hour of life and together until it took everything from us with the attack”he commented.

Sprößer says that out of nowhere some subjects started shooting non-stop and he received the bullets. “We had to take him to 3 hospitals because the first 2 were full. And all the time he never complained, he fought like the lion he is. The only thing he always asked me was: Don’t leave me alone, never leave me alone. And I kept my promise to her that night. I took her hand and I never left her “.


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