I live | Clashes in the uprising against Nicolás Maduro recur


The Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed interim president, Juan GuaidóHe added that the troops were joining his campaign to overthrow the president Nicolás Maduro. He did it in a video in which he is shown with the opponent Leopoldo López, who was released by the anti-Chavez forces. For its part, the government has promised to block what he has called a coup d'etat attempt.

In the video recorded on La Carlota military air base in Caracas and broadcast via social media, Guaidó said the troops were paying attention to their request to urge them to join their Maduro eviction campaign. "Today, the brave soldiers, the brave patriots, the brave men who support the constitution have answered our call."he said.

Guaidó called on Venezuelans to "go down the streets" peacefully as part of "Operation Liberty". Leaders' announcements They provoked demonstrations and demonstrations in the streets of Caracas and other cities in the country.

Columns of people moved to the Venezuelan capital with the cry of "Liberty". Through various live broadcasts, they could be heard gunshots and runs against the protesters, which were thrown tear gas. It is not known if the clashes caused injuries. For the moment, there are only affected gases.

On the other hand, they complained that the service of two Internet providers was cut in the island country. The CANTV state has restricted access to Twitter, Periscope, Facebook, YouTube and other platforms, as indicated by the channel All news. It is on the first two social networks that Guaidó transmitted his message early in the day.

International authorities have expressed concern that any containment measures taken by the Venezuelan government could result in death, including: It happened before in other marches.

For its part, the The government of Nicolás Maduro has denied this version of the facts. "Currently we are fighting and disabling a small group of military traitors who took a position on the Altamira distribution network (in Caracas) to promote a coup, "said Minister of Communication Jorge Rodríguez on his official Twitter account.

We are informing the people of Venezuela that we are currently facing and deactivating a small group of treacherous militaries who have placed themselves in the Altamira distributor to promote a coup against the Constitution and peace of the Republic … 1/2

– Jorge Rodríguez (@jorgerpsuv) April 30, 2019

"At this attempt the shot and ultra-right murderer was added, who announced his violent agenda for months. We call on the population to remain alert with the glorious Bolivarian National Armed Forces to defeat the coup attempt and preserve the peace. We will win, "added the official.

In addition to this, the deadly ultra-right coup d'état, which announced its violent program for months, called on the population to remain on the alert in order to defeat, with the glorious Bolivarian National Armed Forces, the attempted coup d'etat. State and preserve La Paz. 2/2

– Jorge Rodríguez (@jorgerpsuv) April 30, 2019

Maduro and his government have repeatedly accused the United States of try to encourage a coup d'etat and blame the economic devastation in the country for toughening US sanctions.

Although the President of the United States, Donald Trump, insisted that "all options" were on the table with respect to Venezuela, including, implicitly, military action, there was not for the moment a significant mobilization of his troops to intervene. The president came to warn the soldiers that they would "lose everything" if they continued to support Maduro.



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