"I looked at the mouth of the well and heard my son crying" | Chronic


The 2 year old boy, Julen He fell into a well of the municipality of Malaga in Totalán, Spain, and was trapped for 13 days. After several days of hard work by the rescuers, the news of his death shocked everyone.

During the rescue process, his mother Victoria Garcia He did not speak to the press, but a program from the Telecinco channel had access to his statements to the Civil Guard when he noticed that his son had fallen into the well.

The mother said: "I did not even see what was happening, I was calling my job when I heard the screaming and everyone was heading to the well." I looked in the mouth of the well and heard my son crying. When I stopped listening to her crying, I started screaming desperately. "

And he continued: "I threw branches into the fire and saw my son running in a ditch to the corner of the well, I was 10 or 15 meters away." I ran to get him but I did not arrive and saw him fall into the well.My son was inside the well, so I removed all the stones around the well and I called my son I listened to cry for 30 seconds while talking to him to rebadure him. "

The autopsy confirmed that the baby had died a few hours after falling in the well, when the emergency alert was triggered.

The examination was performed by forensic scientists from the Institute of Forensic Medicine (IML) of Malaga. He had also pbaded medical tests.


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