“I married a monster”: discovered that her husband had 7 partners and 13 children


Mary turner thomson he lived a fairy tale. Got married Will jordan, the man she loved and had two children with him. Her husband He was affectionate and treated her well, until one day Mary discovered the truth. Has been deceived for years for a crook that he had parallel families which included five girlfriends, two women and 13 children.

“The man I was pledged to ‘have and keep’ turned out to be a monster that he not only ripped off women for money, but tortured Yes psychologically abused their whole life crippling them mentally, emotionally and financially just for the fun of it, ”said Mary, 55, days before her book launch The psychopath, which will go on sale this Monday March 1st.

Mary Turner Thomson married and had two children with a man and years later discovered he was a crook psychopath
Mary Turner Thomson married and had two children with a man and years later found out he was a crook psychopathdailymail.co.uk

In the text, he explores how Affectionate and empathetic women are deceived by psychopaths like Jordan and dive into the methods that these types of people use to catch their victims, as reported by the Daily Mail.

The nightmare began as a romantic dream in 2000, when they they met on the internet. They were both 35 years old. She had a one-year-old daughter and was recovering from a failed relationship, so she hoped to find love with a man who loved her and treated her well. American Will Jordan seemed ideal.

“He used the kind of techniques used by cult leaders and attackers.filling me with love from the start, before I even met him, ”observed Mary. “When we started talking online, he sent me long emails about his past and who he was, and I told him about my dreams and aspirations. We wrote three, four, five times a day. It has become intoxicating. I let myself be carried away by the romance ”.

The man had started the relationship with deception and lies
The man had started the relationship with deception and liesdailymail.co.uk

Jordan even used a technique called gas unbalance Mary. He lifted her up during a trip they were going to make together in London. She was totally angry and determined to stop, but he made his move. “It was Christmas Eve and gave me a teddy bear with a ribbon with a diamond ring. It completely baffled me, ”Mary recounted, recalling how the man proposed to her.

Jordan also told him about his intimacies Yes He came to lie to gain her sympathy telling him he was sterile. “It was good that a man spoke to me so openly about his feelings. His infertility made him a much more appropriate prospect, since I already had a son and wanted a father figure in his life. It was all easy and totally wrongMary maintained.

In 2002, they married and had two children, but the lies continued. Jordan convinced Mary that I worked for the CIA and with that he excused his absences to see his other family. The manipulation has come to the point where told Mary that there were people who wanted to kidnap her children. “It sounds crazy, but gave me the proof, including paychecks. He was in a constant state of panic and believed he was the only person who could protect us. “

Four years after what Mary assumed was a happy marriage, a phonecall changed his life. A woman introduced herself as her husband’s other wife and revealed that she had five children with him. Shocked by the double life of her husband, Mary was horrified to discover that he had also been the victim of a financial scam. Jordan had falsified his name on several credit cards and was in debt of £ 56,000 ($ 78,000). He even persuaded her to sell her house and with that money to pay a ransom to stop the dangerous men associated with her CIA work from kidnapping her children.

Mary with her children
Mary with her childrendailymail.co.uk

Totally broke and in crushing debt, Mary decided to find out more about the Things from Jordan. “He told me lies. Not only did he already have at least six children when I met him in 2000, his wife and his wife’s nanny were pregnant with him at the time. I also discovered that I was a convicted sex offender and He had five girlfriends, two wives and 13 childrenMary revealed.

When the man learned that Mary knew the truth, he felt no remorse or guilt. “He never apologized or took responsibility, but he kept saying everything would be explained in time, ”the woman said. He even asked her to trust him, but this time it didn’t work. “His spell on me has been broken”.

In November 2006, Jordan accepted his crimes: bigamy, obtaining funds by deception. In addition, he admitted that he did not register as a sex offender and that he owned a stun gun.

“Then I knew I was a psychopath: He looked bored in court, like he was getting a parking ticket, and when he was convicted there was no hint of emotion. Her eyes were dead, ”recalls Mary, who he immediately wrote his first book about his experience, The bigamist.

But at two and a half, Jordan was liberated and deported to the United States in 2009.

Only seven months later, other victims contacted Mary. One of them became pregnant and homeless after meeting Jordan, and another woman with a sister with Down’s syndrome said the man left her family in financial shambles. “He cynically used a photo of the sister with Down’s syndrome to play on the sympathy of his next victim, saying he was taking care of his girlfriend’s daughter,” Mary said.

Mischele Lewis was also scammed by Will Jordan
Mischele Lewis was also scammed by Will Jordandailymail.co.uk

Jordan he continued his life as a profiteer, until 2014, the opportunity to catch up arose, when the American nurse Mischele lewisThe 36-year-old contacted Mary. The two women devised a plan for Mischele to secretly record Jordan with a hidden camera that was used as a button until he confessed to ripping her off. The idea worked and the police arrested him. The man was imprisoned again, but he was released again in 2017.

Then Mary realized that the best way to stop it was to write a book based on your own experiences and teach women how to spot the telltale signs of a predator like Jordan. “I thought there had to be something wrong with me to be a target, but I found that I had a high score on the empathy scale, and Will Jordan focuses on women who are empathetic, test them early on to see if they feel sorry for their terrible childhood stories, ”described Mary.

“These women tend to work in the care professions and they are for the most part Single mothers, they lack sleep so they don’t think clearly and are less likely to chase you because they are tied to the house. It is presented as the kind of stable and loving man they need and have children with them to create a bond that is difficult to break, ”adds the writer.

“He blamed me for being duped by him, but I realized that the reason women like me trust so much is that as empaths we would never do something so horrible to someone else, it just doesn’t come into our thinking, ”he concluded.

The operating mode It’s himself: “Bombing of love, lies, deception and fraud. He repeats his patterns over and over again. That’s what he did to me: he bombarded me with love at first. He looked me deep in the eyes and made me feel loved as if I had never been loved before. “

“At the last count I had 14 children that I know. Will jordan it will never stop. He’s a psychopath without the capacity for love and without conscience. He’s a predator and putting him in jail doesn’t work; You can also put a cat in a cage and tell it not to hunt when you let it out. The difference is, he knows what he’s doing is wrong. All I can do now is warn other women about him and people like him“, Mary has finished.


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