"I saw people dead in front of": witnesses of horror in a Parisian building – 02/05/2019


"I saw people who had death in front of"said Stephanie. "I heard horrible cries."

Neighbor of the building that burned Tuesday in Paris, the woman lived a terrible night that included at least 10 fatal victims.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

Another witness, who prefers anonymity, counts, still tremble: "From my house, I heard the screams." Help me! & # 39; … "

Fire apparently it was intentional and it was produced in an 8-storey building built in the 70s in a wealthy neighborhood of western Paris. There were about 30 wounded, including 6 firefighters.

Where did it happen (AFP)

Where did it happen (AFP)

"I live next door and I saw the second staircase on fire, I felt the smell …" I added, I saw the firefighters climb up and down and the hell of fire that never went out. They turned it off and on again."

He also says he saw residents of the building climb to the window asking for: "Save me! Help me!". Some have sought refuge on the terrace.

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The Paris prosecutor, Rémy Heitz, has announced that he has arrested a woman over 40 who lives in the building and has "Psychiatric history".

"In the beginning we thought it was a fightbecause we heard a very strong woman yelling, "says Nicholas, another neighbor. He was screaming, screaming and we went out and the building was already on fire. "

According to a judicial source, the tragic episode would have occurred After the umpteenth fight between a decree and a neighbor. And they caught her "in a state of intoxication while trying to burn a car".

"At first, a man shouted," There are people who have to get up early to work! "He said that there was music, even though we had not listened to it," said Clément, another neighbor.

The flames in the early morning. (AFP / Benedict Moser / BSPP)

The flames in the early morning. (AFP / Benedict Moser / BSPP)

His girlfriend, Nathalie, said that "apparently the woman he put sheets of paper under his neighbor's door and fired"

Firefighters had difficulty accessing the light as the building entrance overlooked an inner courtyard.

"We could not use the built-in ladders of the trucks, we had to use the hand ladders," said Captain Valérian Fuet, spokesman for the fire department.

Rescuers could not work under normal conditions. (AFP)

Rescuers could not work under normal conditions. (AFP)

It took more than 5 hours and the intervention of about 200 firefighters to control the fire..

"They had the trucks and the big stairs but they could not do anything ─ adds Nicolas─. Then they put extensions and more extensions, flexible and more flexible … all the little resources. "

According to him, they brought water to the firemen: "We saw how they took turns. They left there and they were knocked"

That's how the building was. (AP)

That's how the building was. (AP)

The neighbor who chose not to give her name concludes: "I saw what happened next, I felt that … it could have happened to me."

sources: AFP, Reuters, EFE.


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