“I split her into pieces and we threw her”: her family kills her for not getting married


Italy does not come out of his astonishment, after the knowledge of a scary crime. Saman Abbas, a young woman of 18 years of origin Pakistani, disappeared from his home in Novellara April 30. The Police officer He started his search, but couldn’t find her. However, he got recordings Nails security cameras, what show 3 people leave the family home he lived with two shovels, a lever, a bucket and a bag.

The to look for pointed at the members of the Abbas family: his parents, an uncle and two of his cousins. The police arrested one of the cousins ​​in France, Ikram Ijaz, who after being extradited to Italy, confessed to having participated in the preparatory phase of the crime, digging the hole for the corpse.


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