"I told the government that I would not conceal …


In a report that was previously unknown, the radical Mario Cimadevilla accused the government of Mauricio Macri of trying to convert the AMIA special investigation unit, which He commanded, in a "special unit of dissimulation". The document was addressed to the President himself and indicated his lack of willingness and interest to clarify the attack itself and alluded to the State's requests for complaint to encourage the acquittal of the two prosecutors at the same time. oral process. the concealment of the terrorist attack, Eamon Mullen and José Barbaccia, who is now in the home stretch and could end in March. The unit in question was dissolved in the midst of a scandal when the powers of the lawyers of the Ministry of Justice who wanted to seek sanctions from all those involved in the trial about the irregularities committed during the Initial investigation were revoked. "I told Macri that I thanked him for having released from his commitment that he was not willing to badume," summarized Cimadevilla in a dialogue with PáginaI12 on the issue. 39 spirit of the letter, which also suggests a geopolitical interest – under the US and Israel's mandate – to perpetuate "a mantle of doubts" about the responsibility of the Iranians in the attack, without ending "to advance" (see separately).

The existence of the document presented by Cimadevilla, with a review of its activity and its diagnosis of the situation, was revealed by the newspaper Jornada, of Chubut, country of the former head of the AMIA unit , former senator. This newspaper adhered to the full report, written in critical terms for the government of which it was a part. It was introduced almost a year ago, when the executive branch decided to dissolve the specialized division, whose particular task was to contribute to the root cause of the attack, which remains unpunished, without advance, and to exercise the lawsuit of the state at trial concealing the attack by maneuvers in the initial investigation, with defendants such as Carlos Saúl Menem, Hugo Anzorreguy, the former judge Juan Jose Galeano, prosecutors Mullen and Barbaccia, the former commissioner Jorge "Fino" Palacios, the former head of the DAIA Rubén Beraja and Carlos Telleldín. They are basically accused of having come up with a fake story to explain the attack. In fact, Telleldín was paid with funds from the old SIDE to accuse a group of police officers.

The first conflict surrounding this extremely relevant trial was unearthed when AMIA unit lawyer Mariana Stilman resigned in March 2017, at the suggestion of Elisa Carrió, after she was arrested. she was told that she should small active attitude in the process. Almost a year later, at Casa Rosada, they blamed Cimadevilla for failing to do enough to promote the trial in absentia (which the Jewish community is now rejecting) and, at the same time, to approaching the time of the allegations, revoked the mandates of the lawyers who succeeded Stilman and who would accuse all the accused. José Console, who is part of the Boca Juniors Disciplinary Tribunal, has the mandate not to accuse former prosecutors Mullen and Barbaccia. According to Cimadevilla's text, the unit was becoming a "camouflage unit". "Faced with crimes of this magnitude, there is no right to secrecy, the mystery, or the protection of his friends," says one of the parties to the letter addressed to Macri.

Another paragraph adds: "The investigation of AMIA's attack has been linked to previous determinations of truth-based badumptions based on weak earlier decisions, which do not not epistemological ingenuity, but a mere inertia, hypocrisy, cowardice or complicity directly institutional ". Then speaks of a "network of crimes, business and relationships negotiated, unhealthy and clandestine, economic, strategic and diplomatic interests" that surrounded the attack and which, slips , were a constant. This was said, and again, by the person who was in charge of the AMIA unit within the department, which increases its severity.

"The document presented to Macri speaks of a new concealment, as we were at the time in the middle of the lawsuit about concealment." It was badumed that as plaintiffs, we should be working to know the When they came to ask me to ask the attorneys to be acquitted, I told them that I was not going to hide anyone, they also expressed their concern for Palacios, but his case the acquittal was requested by the public prosecutor's office, "Cimadevilla told this newspaper.

-Who asked you to release the prosecutors?

– Minister Gerán Garavano, as I have already denounced. In fact, when he learned that we were going to accuse everyone, they brought him to Console with the mediation of the operators, went to see the public and asked for the acquittal of Mullen and Barbaccia.

In another part of the article, it says that there were so many obstacles to advancing the investigation of the attack itself that it ". it was more difficult to access information held by Argentine intelligence and security systems "than those of other countries and" access to judicial archives ". It was conflictual. "He recounts that he has set up two teams to deal with" the documentary mbad "(one focused on rebuilding the attack, the other on concealment). the volume of information badyzed was awaiting the availability of a technological tool that would allow its cross-linking. "In addition, he adds," the government has not authorized the recruitment of specialists or expert for some specific issues of badysis and prosecution ".

"We understood – Cimadevilla emphasizes before this diary – that to continue to accumulate papers without a history-scanning strategy was useless, we asked to integrate technology.In May 2016, at the time of a meeting in The Hague court attended by a solicitor, they explained how they had investigated similar attacks to those of AMIA and that it was not there. We had two consultants with the necessary technology to cross-link the data We are looking for, without result, to strengthen with this methodology In addition to promoting the trial in the absence for various transnational crimes. We get nothing.The AMIA bombing trial did not interest them at all, the only interest was that he was not charged in the case of concealment. "

The terrorism and Middle East experts who conducted a study of the cause and a proposal for "reengineering the investigation" are shown in one of the edges of the international opinion described in the document. One of the points raised has cast doubt on the role of Iran and Hezbollah.

In the end, declarations that include the performance of the judiciary and the government itself are linked: "The Argentine state's action in the investigation is far from effective and effective. (…) the hundreds of lives destroyed at AMIA have failed to shake the indifference of the state, which far from investigating and punishing sank into obvious criminal coexistence, promiscuous extremes ( …) the concealment tactics, which become overly dimensioned, support the hypothesis that the investigation into the mechanism of the attack was hampered to protect and conceal an abundant substratum of corruption and its multiple local relations. " And on this last point, it is clear from the text that the Macri government would build a new camouflage operation.


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