"I tore the head!": The shocking video of the mistreatment of two elderly women in a retirement home


The video is scary. Those who should take care of the case, treat with respect and affection two elderly women of Madrid are only to mistreat, beat and humiliate them. "I'm going to kill you!", "I'm going to tear off your head!" Are threats made by employees of a retirement home in Madrid, Spain.

The son of one of the women, who is already dead, denounced on 4 December, in the prosecutor's office, the ill-treatment inflicted on his mother. In his presentation, he provided essential material: three videos recorded in the room, as well as eight photos of injuries that would have been caused by the employees of the nursing home.

The man asked to be summoned. The workers were reported, according to the investigation, and the center officials, as witnesses.

In one of the videos, you see how an employee, while changing clothes for one of them, he shakes his head while the woman sobs. In addition it strikes two cachetazos and removes the prosthesis and reproaches: "Hey, bitch, to see that I take that, do not bite eh". He also rubs a layer on his face and he covers his nose for several seconds.

Then he warns another: "And you equal, as you bite me, it is that I tore my head, I am very crazy. "Then he insults him, throws him a pillow and threatens to do the same with a mattress, while two other employees laugh, as shown in the video he's published 20 minutes.

An employee is also shouted by an employee: "Shut up!" and pinch the right bad while the victim, between two cries, is lying down.


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